I made some of these a while ago but I just decided to bridge the gaps
I made some of these a while ago but I just decided to bridge the gaps
I decided to redraw the ending scene from sonic unleashed where chip waves goodbye to sonic after they managed to recapture dark Gaia in the volcano.
8 Votes in Poll
What If Sonic X Never Ended or continued as an revival for Paramount plus or netflix Similar to X-men 97 and Young Justice with the aftermath of The Metarex Saga with New arcs and seasons based on sonic the hedgehog games like Sonic Heroes, Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, Sonic Riders,Sonic and the Secret Rings,Sonic and the Black Knight,Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, Sonic Lost World and based on the non canon sonic x comic books by Archie Comics and the Human characters Christopher Thorndyke,Chuck Thorndyke,Nelson and Lindsey Thorndyke,Ella,Mister Tanaka,Helen,Frances,Danny,Mr.Stewart,Topaz,Christina Cooper,Sam Speed,Scarlet Garcia and New president and Mayor to replace the old ones With better character development and
Cameos/guest appearances from sega non sonic games:Alex Kidd,NiGHTS,Virtua Cop,Shinobi,Streets of Rage,Virtua Fighter,Fighting Vipers,Altered Beast,Burning Rangers,Gunstar Heroes,Space Channel 5,Phantasy Star to appear in filler episode and introduce Archie comic sonic the hedgehog characters in Sonic Xlike Princess Sally Acorn,Bunnie Rabbot,Rotor the Walrus,Nicole the Holo-Lynx,Dulcy the Dragon,Feist,Antoine D’Coolette,Mammoth Mogul,Ixis Naugus,Scourge the Hedgehog,Lupe Wolf,Tommy the Turtle,Egg Bosses,Hope Kintobor,Snviely Robotnik,A.D.A.M.,Monkey Khan,Mina Mongoose,Fiona Fox and the Destructix,Iron Queen and Iron King of The Iron Dominion, and Enerjak,If sega Japan accept permission or an agreement from the Sega USA and Archie comics to integrated the characters for future games with TMS Entertainment and Sega working together again for the production of the anime revival and
The 4kids cast will return to voiced their roles with new voice actors and will be uncensored in japanese and english for old and new fans of the games,but still have the english dub theme song,Gotta Go fast by Japanese Rock band,One Ok Rock?
This has been a huge debate between Sonic fans for years. The Sonic fanbase thinks Sonic can run at the speed of light, but Sonic cannot canonically do this without Chaos Emeralds, Level Up Items or Rings/Wisps/Energy. Plus, the Light Speed Dash is seriously slower than light in the gameplay, despite being called the Light Speed Dash, slow enough that it's more of a Ring Dash, and while Sonic can perform the Light Speed Attack, it isn't light speed due to not being almost instant like actual light. Sonic was at his fastest in Sonic Unleashed, but his top SPD is slightly over 3,500, which when translated to metric meters, based on the game's Japanese development, is over Mach 10/just above hypersonic. Sonic's page says that his unaided top speed is unknown, but however, there is canon proof of what Sonic's unaided top speed is. In Sonic Colors, Sonic was able to outrun a Hyper-Go-On black hole for 30 seconds. Assuming that the black hole is similar to a normal black hole, in which black holes pull non-orbiting mass inward at 30% the speed of light, and since Sonic wasn't using the Boost when outrunning the black hole, Sonic's unaided top speed is around 200,000,000 miles per hour!
I decided to redraw super Sonic’s smiling pose from the opening cutscene of sonic unleashed before being finished off by dr. Eggman.
You know what hate me all you want but the idea of a Silver campaign in Sonic Unleashed is a cool concept because since they did the same with Shadow in Sonic Generations I wonder if they will follow suit with Silver since he would be more plot relevant to Unleashed
41 Votes in Poll
I'm trying to find the music in sonic unleashed where at the end of the first stage you have a fight.
35 Votes in Poll
Got my hands on this beautiful Werehog plush. I didn't post for a while because I injured my finger so yeah. Do you know what company made this plush? Please tell me in comments🙏🏼 (Don't think it's Gee cuz the tag doesn't say so)
11 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll