In Post-SGW timeline, Sonic Forces, Frontiers, Superstars, Shadow Generations and classics and modern's shorts are possibly canon in this contnuity?
In Post-SGW timeline, Sonic Forces, Frontiers, Superstars, Shadow Generations and classics and modern's shorts are possibly canon in this contnuity?
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With Trip the Sungazer, I've seen many modern interpretations and discussions of what she would look like in the Modern Era. Before I showcase my design, I have something to say. I'm happy that the Sonic Wiki Zone has many artists here, each one with a unique style to show. It's fun seeing different artists collaborating and sharing tips to improve and enjoy the passion of doing art. Thank you!
Anyway, to my Modern Trip, here she is.
I've done a Modern Design of her before (it'll be in the comments), but I updated it with the art style I've been refining over the past year. With her design, I wanted to ensure she's not older than Amy Rose as Amy Rose is shown to be taller in scenes of Sonic Superstars and acts as an older guide to Trip. I had that philosophy when I first designed her as well. I also removed certain details from my original design, like the double-layered skirt, and updated her eyebrows to match more with her classic design. Enjoy, everyone!
I decided to redraw the cutscene from Sonic superstars where Amy rose rushes over to trip after seeing her true form when she beats fang and his own robot.
I deciced to use Amy’s morden design and my morden design of trip in this picture.
Well, my favorite Sonic game is Sega Sonic Superstars because it has a 2D and 3D perspective, very similar to Sonic 4 ep 1 & 2.
In my opinion, Sega Sonic Superstars is good, incredible and spectacular because of its multiplayer mechanics and the stages have mechanics that are extremely beautiful to look at!
What happened to Sonic Superstars Plus DLC? IIRC it was planned for 2024.
That’s what retro/classic/mario fans get when ask for Mania 2 and this is what they get.
Classic Sonic should've had his Shadow Onesie as a skin.
Where in the Timeline does Mania & Superstars come in? (Same with 8-Bit Sonic 1 & 2, Chaos & Triple Trouble)
I know the first 4
But where does Mania and Superstars (And the 8-Bit games) take place in that timeline?
Some few thoughts on the comic, see comment section. Beware of spoilers!
Jun Senoue used a Korg Triton (either the actual synthesizer or a VST), a Vacuum VST, and Xpand!2 to compose music for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal, and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II, as well as Sonic Origins and Sonic Superstars (just the Vacuum VST and/or Xpand!2). Not to mention, he also used the Korg Triton VST and put it into a SoundFont for the WiiWare version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I.
Do YOU have any of those VSTs?
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Sonic Superstars is a game. That's something we can all agree on. Me personally, I never really cared for it since it takes several steps back from how Mania handled things. However, that's neither here or there.
The main reason I'm discussing this is because of a predicament I just found myself in. I was in the car driving to work, casting Sam Procrastinates' review to my car's speakers. Some good audio to distract me from dosing off-road in a ditch on the side of the road.
You'll never guess what happened next.
Right now, I'm okay. No injuries, no casualties, and just a flat tire. In the moment, I was very scared. Thank God that I am now safe. A tow truck is picking me up soon, so I'll be good.
So yeah. When all is said and done, Sonic Superstars will be a lingering associated element to my first major road incident. Make of that what you will.
Well, Sonic Superstars. Remember that. The FANDOM rarely discusses it anymore, probably because of some of the levels, the bosses *cough,* Golden Captial and Fang Mecha, the Trip campaign (the enemy/hazard placements and unfair deaths), and more. Yeah. Still, it did have some good ideas, with Bridge Island's mechanic jumping through the foreground and Cyber Station's voxels to match the cyber aesthetic. As for Trip? Her friendship with Amy is fine, and standing up to Fang after his poor treatment of her is a good moment for her, but she needs more. Still, she has the potential to be a great character in the future. I hope SEGA can expand her story outside the Northstar Islands. Anyway, here's art of her and Honey the Cat. I hope Honey can make a comeback, too. She has a fun personality in Archie and has a lot of potential for fun dynamics with the rest of the Sonic cast.