34 Votes in Poll
If SatAm Season 3 was adaptation of video games (Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic CD, Knuckles' Chaotix, etc.)?.
Any ideas?
35 Votes in Poll
23 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
8 Votes in Poll
I don’t even have to write the whole thing out, Spinball is peak no questions asked. If you ask a question all my spinballing brethren will come after you and roast you and your mum. If you haven’t played it sit yourself down and play through this you will leave feeling like a whole new person. 12/10 This game will solve all diseases and world hunger.
(sonic 2 review soon i promise)
30 Votes in Poll
Cute Sonic is back. (Yes that's his official name now that I gave him)
Instead of Sonic 3's Genesis cover and S&K Genesis Cover I used the S3K Titlescreen because I was tired from editing the Sonic 2 cover and decided I can just edit the easier Sonic 3K Titlescreen, add a very minor change in the background aswell so if you have a good eye, good luck. Also.. I added Spinball as a bonus. What do I add for Part 3?
Also here is the first one if you missed.
27 Votes in Poll
This level gets mentioned in Sonic Generations, while its 8-bit counterpart only appears in 8-bit Spinball.
Also, merry Christmas
Mine is that Sonic Spinball is and amazing game, and that Unleashed is a bad game.
Did you know that Sonic Spinball once used a rendition of the Sonic 1 title theme as the title screen of the game but it got replaced right-away by an unrelated track due to complaints of people claiming others got their ears drilled by the title theme due to the fact that it's ear-grating?
If Spinball is canon...
...and the Freedom Fighters are in it...
...that means Sally, Bunnie, Rotor and maybe Antoine have main counterparts, kinda like Sticks.
On the Sonic canon page it states that Spinball is canon and that Ian Flynn says it is I will agree until he stops saying 2 things
“Everything is Canon”
The Canonicity of it is confusing
In my eyes it’s a sign of saying he wants to put his head canon into games or it really is canon until otherwise I personally do not think Spinball is Canon
If anyone could please help me out on Spinball being Canon
Thank You. thoughts?