Sonic Heroes 2 is coming out in fall 2025, hopefully there will be new teams.
Team Sonic: Good
-Sonic the Hedgehog (Leader)
-Miles “Tails” Prower
-Knuckles the Echidna
Team Dark: Good
-Shadow the Hedgehog (Leader)
-Rouge the Bat
-E-123 Omega
Team Rose: Good
-Amy Rose (Leader)
-Cream the Rabbit & Cheese
-Big the Cat
Team Chaotix: Good
-Espio the Chameleon
-Charmy Bee
-Vector the Crocodile (Leader)
Team Sol: Good
-Marine the Raccoon
-Silver the Hedgehog
-Blaze the Cat (Leader)
Team Freedom: Good
-Sally Acorn (Leader)
-Nicole the Holo-Lynx
-Rotor the Walrus
Team Fighters: Good
-Antoine D’Coolette
-Bunnie Rabbot (Leader)
Team Gem: Good
-Honey the Cat
-Ray the Flying Squirrel
-Mighty the Armadillo (Leader)
Team Babylon: Neutral
-Jet the Hawk (Leader)
-Wave the Swallow
-Storm the Albatross
Team Diamond: Good
-Tangle the Lemur (Leader)
-Jewel the Beetle
-Whisper the Wolf
Team Hooligan: Evil
-Nack the Weasel (Leader)
-Bean the Dynamite
-Bark the Polar Bear
Team Wild: Good
-Lupe the Wolf (Leader)
-Ominotago (Omi) the Owl
-Sticks the Badger
Team Starline: Evil
-Surge the Tenrec (Leader)
-Kitsunami (Kit) the Fennec
-??? (tasmanian devil, wolverine or anteater)
Team Rebel: Good
-Lanolin the Sheep
-Julie-Su the Echidna
Team Desert Raiders: Good
-Spike the Porcupine (Leader)
-Sonar the Fennec
-Trevor Burrow the Mole
Team Dragon: Good
-Trip the Sungazer (Leader)
-Tunnel the Mole
Sonic Frontiers 2 will be released in 2027. Maybe there will be new areas to explore, for example: an underwater, haunted and icy area. With three, four or six stories by choosing a character. For example, Knuckles meets the other echidna tribes (Nocturnus clan, Pyramis clan, Savanas clan, Iglos clan and Arizona clan's members) or Sonic meets the aquatic mobians and dragons.
-aquatic mobian
And maybe some bosses inspired by Behemoth, Leviathan and Ziz.
Knuckles season 2 - Knuckles' Chaotix 1995 and Sonic the Fighters 1996
Tails (spin off) - Tails Adventure 1995, Sonic Riders 2006 and Sonic Advance 3 2004
Sonic 4 the Hedgehog 4 - Sonic CD 1993, Sonic Heroes 2003 and Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
If there is a Knuckles season 2 with the Chaotix, maybe there will be Julie-Su of Arizona clan, Mighty and Ray too, and main antagonist will be Team Hooligan. And if there is time travel in the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 movie, Silver will appear as well, since he comes from the future.
22 Votes in Poll
Did it lose the impact of his sacrifice in Sonic Adventure 2?
20 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
When I first played (Knuckles') Chaotix I thought it was strange, but after the practice level it started to grow on me.
The bungee physics are very strange but fun at the same time. it stays true to the mainline classics but paves it's own path to make a whole new experience, and boy is it satisfying to play as the Chaotix in a 2D game.
Sonic Origins? Superstars? can we get a Chaotix DLC since it's thier 30th this year? Please? *puppy eyes*
What do yall think?
Also since I love these guys, it's my duty to inform anyone who doesn't know about this *points straight down*
And this amazing song here
That took so long to do, btw. About 5 months (due to tight schedules)
What If Sonic X Never Ended or continued as an revival for Paramount plus or netflix Similar to X-men 97 and Young Justice with the aftermath of The Metarex Saga with New arcs and seasons based on sonic the hedgehog games like Sonic Heroes, Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, Sonic Riders,Sonic and the Secret Rings,Sonic and the Black Knight,Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, Sonic Lost World and based on the non canon sonic x comic books by Archie Comics and the Human characters Christopher Thorndyke,Chuck Thorndyke,Nelson and Lindsey Thorndyke,Ella,Mister Tanaka,Helen,Frances,Danny,Mr.Stewart,Topaz,Christina Cooper,Sam Speed,Scarlet Garcia and New president and Mayor to replace the old ones With better character development and
Cameos/guest appearances from sega non sonic games:Alex Kidd,NiGHTS,Virtua Cop,Shinobi,Streets of Rage,Virtua Fighter,Fighting Vipers,Altered Beast,Burning Rangers,Gunstar Heroes,Space Channel 5,Phantasy Star to appear in filler episode and introduce Archie comic sonic the hedgehog characters in Sonic Xlike Princess Sally Acorn,Bunnie Rabbot,Rotor the Walrus,Nicole the Holo-Lynx,Dulcy the Dragon,Feist,Antoine D’Coolette,Mammoth Mogul,Ixis Naugus,Scourge the Hedgehog,Lupe Wolf,Tommy the Turtle,Egg Bosses,Hope Kintobor,Snviely Robotnik,A.D.A.M.,Monkey Khan,Mina Mongoose,Fiona Fox and the Destructix,Iron Queen and Iron King of The Iron Dominion, and Enerjak,If sega Japan accept permission or an agreement from the Sega USA and Archie comics to integrated the characters for future games with TMS Entertainment and Sega working together again for the production of the anime revival and
The 4kids cast will return to voiced their roles with new voice actors and will be uncensored in japanese and english for old and new fans of the games,but still have the english dub theme song,Gotta Go fast by Japanese Rock band,One Ok Rock?
Yeah, you heard that right. I'm not even too sure WHY anyone would hate it. I'm not mad at anyone for hating Heroes. I'm just curious why.
So I'm trying to 100% Heroes on GameCube (I did it on PC and Xbox), and I noticed that there are 141 A Ranks, but only 120 Emblems.
I thought that there should be 120 A-Ranks, not 141. Anyone know the reason behind this?
21 years since "Team Sonic" was founded.
Honestly it would be terrible but kind of funny if absolutely nothing happens and the pink-haired girl disappears into obscurity again. If that does happen she will forever haunt me.
Army of Metal Sonics? Been done before. Even better: an army of NEO METAL SONICS
Looking back this arc is kind of absurd, and boy, all the jokes I can make about Archie Sonic and Shadow being so strong they can individually take out dozens of Neo Metal Sonics at a time....
Anyways, I won't be surprised if the next movie steals some lines or mirrors panels from this mini-arc, I re-read it recently and found Sonic 4 actually is perfectly set up for taking a few cues from here.
Regardless, Sonic Heroes and a little bit of CD is what Sonic 4 is most likely going to be firmly rooted in, but I do think there's gonna be some Archie references in there, the other films did a few when they could.
Main antagonist for Sonic 4 could easily be Neo Metal Sonic himself.
Yesterday we bought a Gamecube from Facebook Marketplace, it was supposed to cost $86, but we ended up buying it for $116 because the seller later included SA2 and Sonic Heroes, we bought it, I looked at the Pricecharting, and... Wow, they cost us $16 each game, and in total they are worth about $70-$80 together, Sonic Heroes comes with Box and Manual, and SA2 comes with box, without game manual but with the console manual
absolute win.
And about Sonic 3.... the movie comes out on Dec 26 here in Chile, so I need to wait 6 days :(((((
A new Sonic fan team.
The royal protectors of Acadia. A kingdom that is home to all different types of butterflies and moths.
Princess Faith the butterfly-Leader, Flight
Morris the moth-Power
Lillian the moth-Speed