[13: 27: 27 - Tas more than the capital. By Gzu.n helicopter
Soldiers: South city Arabic.
Pact: We are all on the road and conflict.
Viated the armond of law: This is the sign up the management of the management teams we have a radar. Report the herdwood furniture with the boat!
Driver: 10-4. Products more secure to the ship and ... should we be ?!
According to the IEACKAker Tower: It was not issued!
Duty: Rank has left her wingt, everything on the plane has got a ...
Go the building building: What's wrong! Found on top!
Driver: or in the world! [Sonic makes a helicopter and to hold] What do you think you are doing! Find this protection!
Sonic: [abandoned on helicopter and big tears with Mistorian reasons] to talk with the Lowen plane - I'm not here! I'm running well! [Steve on a helicopter and enter a metal city with iron!