Uncle Charles "Chuck"
Scourge the Hedgehog
Bernadette Hedgehog
Jules Hedgehog
Sonia the Hedgehog
Manik the Hedgehog
14 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
I made this one a while back, but never released it until today.
So, I've had this idea for a while, but I'm just now making designs for them. Basically, what if Scourge had his own Sonia and Manic? I thought it'd be fun to flip their social classes along with their personalities, so now anti-Manic is a rich snob while anti-Sonia lives in the sewers and loves blowing stuff up. I know that I want their names to be Scour and Liege, but I can't decide which name to give which haha... I also can't figure out how to dress anti-Sonia xP Though, I'm really happy with anti-Manic! Once I'm done, anti-Manic is going to be purple while anti-Sonia is going to be blue to keep in theme with Scourge.
From left to right, we have Sally, Vector, Shadow Android, Whisper, my take on Sister Sonic, Scourge, Metal Knuckles, and (although not pictured since I forgot) Mephiles.
For Scourge, MK, Mail (Sister Sonic), Shadow Android, and Mephiles, I used the WM Blocks versions of Sonic, Shadow, and Knuckles as bases. The Metal Knuckles, Scourge, and Mephiles minifigures were actually purchased at a convention I went to with my parents during the pandemic. As for Mail and Shadow Android, they came with some other Sonic minifigures that I decided to get for Christmas, and instead of discarding the Shadow and Sonic duplicates, I simply repainted them.
Now, before I get to the rest, I want to show you all something cursed.
This is what the face of my custom Sally looks like. TL;DR, I didn't know I had a white acrylic marker (which is what I used for most of these), so I simply painted the eyes as is. However, I do plan to replace this by drawing the face on paper, cutting it out, and then gluing it onto the cursed face. A similar method was used to make Whisper's face, actually. But, back to Sally, I got the inspiration to do this from Wakeangel2001 when he made a LEGO Sally custom. Originally, I was going to make it the Rebooted version of her, but the marker didn't stick well, so instead, I made her an amalgamation of sorts: the pink and black color scheme comes from her appearance in the SatAM pilot, the long hair comes from Penders Era Sally, and the clothes come from the reboot.
Now, I already talked about how Whisper's face was done, so I'd like to take this moment to talk about her Wispon. I used a Star Wars blaster and stuck a black lightsaber hilt onto it, AND THEN, I stuck a clear 1x1 stud piece onto the hilt.
Vector got the least amount of changes; I used the head of Craeger from Chima and stuck it on a Sea Monster body, and then, I gave it black legs.
Here's actually some of them from the back.
Now, there are two characters I want to make but either I'm too nervous right now or I don't know if I have the right pieces. First is Honey the Cat with WM Amy as the base. The other one is a Surge custom, but I don't know if I have a plain green head that I can use in my inventory, and I do not know what hairpiece to use; I'm thinking of either using a ponytail piece or a hair down piece and coloring them green, but I don't know yet, maybe I'll let you guys decide.
There is one other thing I want to do, but I don't know if it makes sense, and that is to paint a scar on my official LEGO Amy's back. Basically, it's my headcanon that Amy actually lost the quill on her back in a battle or something, and now she has a scar on her back where that quill used to be. It's basically just my dumb answer to what happened to the quill, although it doesn't really make sense.
In summary, this is a ton of fun and I hope to do more in the future. Feel free to let me know what you think of these (or don't, I don't really care).
I gave them each a little blurb and their favorite food lol. Arthur got roboticized sometime after moving to the prime dimension, hence his robotic parts.
Does anybody still remember scourge? He's my favorite Sonic 'clone'
Art by: Me
Scourge the Hedgehog reference anyone?
Was inspired by @Odenbirb50 and their post. Here's my list:
What if... Archie Sonic (pre-SGW) met Boom Sonic?
What if... Archie Shadow (pre-SGW) met Boom Shadow?
What if... Team Chaotix in Heroes was the same group from Knuckles' Chaotix, but older (including Charmy)?
What if... Eggman had a Dark Danny moment (that is to say, he tries controlling a supernatural entity, but it instead possesses him, and obliterates whatever humanity he has left)?
What if... Shadow found Sage at the end of Frontiers, instead of Eggman?
What if... Scourge met Surge?
What if... Infinite met Mephiles?
What if... Shadow had a Werehog form?
What if... Gold took Silver's place in Sonic Rivals and Rivals 2?
What if... Omega met HK-47 (from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)?
38 Votes in Poll
I redraw the scene from the first chapter of the parasyte manga where a parasite larva is about to infect the man while he is sleeping, but with scourge and one of dark Gaia’s minions.
Note: scourge is about to get infected by one of dark Gaia’s minions while he sleeps just like the man in the first chapter of the parasyte manga.
Sonic characters as Kappa Mikey characters.
In case you don’t know what Kappa Mikey is, it’s an American Animated Series with Japanese Style Animation. It aired on Nickelodeon from 2006-2008. It has a lot of Anime influence. I started watching it a few years ago, but haven’t seen it in a long time. But I think it’s a pretty good show.
Shoutout to @Tsx sonic and @ChipperRabbit
I redraw the scene of the first episode of parasyte where a woman sees her his getting infected by a parasite but with Fiona and scourge.
Note: scourge got infected by one of dark Gaia’s minions in this picture.