I REALLY want Brad Garrett to voice him!
There, I said it.
It’s hard to believes that Sonic the Hedgehog 3is in its seventh week at the box office and the comedic movie has now surpassed the exhilarating Detective Pikachu to become the second highest-grossing video game movie at global box office. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has now made $462.5 million at the box office, whereas Detective Pikachu made a total of $450 million.
18 Votes in Poll
Yeah it's pretty much clear that Sonic 4 is gonna not just take place on earth only and will maybe have sonic and friends go back to his world which is something a lot of people and I wanted to see them do and it looks like it is gonna happen for sure in the next film.
So it's pretty clear this one is gonna have an original story this time again since the first film and will not be an adaptation of any of the games or have any time travel at all.
Like i was pretty much hoping they where gonna do something like this at some point and it seems like it's sure gonna happen in Sonic 4 for good.
Also, make sure to click the images to see them in full
The Sonic the Hedgehog films have indisputably been a success for both Paramount and SEGA as it has emerged that the three movies combined have made over $1 billion globally at the worldwide box-office. The first Sonic the Hedgehog movie made over $320M, the second movie Sonic the Hedgehog 2 made over $405M and the recently released Sonic the Hedgehog 3 currently stands at $279M.
Do any of you fans believe we’ll get any additional content like the Knuckles show in the meantime?
Like, yes or no?
Sonic 3 was a great film by the way i did of course enjoy it many people sure did loved it and even the critics liked as it got a high fresh rating on rotten tomatoes which is pretty wild! (now if they can do the same thing with the Super mario bros movie 2) i did like it.............. but then there where the things i didn't like they did and think some or most may also didn't like this as, I will also mentioned the things i did liked they did and the things that was just strange what they did and didn't make any sense.
So first i wanna talk about the big one and that is Shadow's................. sigh............ i really didn't think they would do this but yeah they changed shadow's backstory he is not at all created by Gerald but was found inside a black meteorite on earth yeah.......... like what hell who thought this was a good idea? like I thought Jeff Fowler knew Shadow's backstory pretty clear why the heck did he do this? Like i was expecting that Gerald was gonna find a hidden ancient owl temple on earth long ago and found a bunch of rings and learn the many other planets that exist he learned in the temple and went there with the rings he found and discovered a lot of things and found the remains of a race of evolved blue fast hedgehogs he had learn about and took it to create the ultimate life form while later on meeting the black arms to make a deal with them, Wish they could of did that instead Because that would of been better then this But yeah i think it's pretty clear that the black arms created shadow and will appear in a future sequel which could be Sonic 5 as i know they will explain how he was created.
As For Gerald yeah....... Man they did him dirty i was hopefully they were gonna do a twist and reveal it's not him but a black arms which is something i talked about before but yeah they didn't do that at all and yeah i sure didn't how they portrayed him it felt so out of character for him like him acting goofy, silly and comical was not right like this is even worse then what they did with Pachacamac in the knuckles mini series, Also he lived for very long because he had one of shadow's quil by licking it..... yeah..... also they were gonna explain it in the movie in a scene that ended up getting deleted but overall i did not like what they did with him and i wish they went with a better approach.
Oh and the chao's just exists as fictional restaurant themed characters yeah.... is anyone upset about that? cause i assume there are people that are gonna get upset for this that they don't exist as real creatures in the universe at all which means if we get cream there will be no cheese and also we will never get chaos too as well yeah..... not sure if SEGA was fine with this like did anyone think this would be a bad idea? and would later upset fans?
Oh and Maria in the film never had that illness by the way not sure if anyone was upset about that.
I also wanna bring up the 3 things that well didn't make any sense, they never at all explain how robotnik survived the fall even which was just odd like how come they won't wanna explain this? unless it was something that they were originally gonna do but ended up cutting it which still is dumb that they just don't even wanna explain how he even survived that fall, the next one is GUN they just like retcon and revealed that GUN existed in the past which makes no sense at all since they already explain that they were created after the events of the first movie like it makes no sense? like was this a different military group with a different name back then? i am confused because it feels like a continuity error that didn't need to happen.
The last one is the master emerald when touching it the Chaos Emeralds shows up which makes no sense at all because we clearly saw them leave in the sky as they were scattered by Sonic at end of the second film and then when sonic use the Master emerald they just show up again inside it which likes makes no sense at all?
Unless they were summoned and called back upon when Sonic used the Master Emerald to transform is that like the reason they came back is because touching the Master emerald can make you summon the chaos emeralds because I kinda hope that's the reason why which would make a lot of sense.
Anyway it's time to talk about the stuff i did liked the movie did, Like wade only had one scene in the film was something i was very glad they did because man i sure did hated him especially in the you know what show which made me even hate him more then before, But i am glad he was just only in this one scene but it's still pretty dumb knuckles would give him the Master emerald to protect it of all people But yeah that's what i gotta say about him but i just hope wade won't return in sonic 4 hopefully........ Please
Oh and Rachel and her husband don't appear in this film as they just exists as hologram disguises tom and his wife use that tails created, I am glad they did this especially how much I hated Rachel as she was one of the worst human characters ever especially in sonic 2 in that scene that everyone agrees was the worst thing in the movie so i am glad they did that I just hope they don't ever come back in any future films because nobody cares about her and her husband.
Also i was surprised to see other robots in the final fight like the Gun hunters (or i think they were the gun troopers? can't remember what color they were) that was a big surprise to see them in the film didn't expect they would show up in this film so yeah it was pretty cool to see them.
I'm also glad to see Stone move on and i hope he ain't gonna come back for any of the future sequels because i sure did not ever care about him i hope in sonic 4 they introduce eggman robot henchmen like orbot and cubot or maybe scratch and grounder if they do that instead i really wanna see them do that.
anyway it's kinda odd before the film come out they said there was gonna be multiple post credit scenes even tho it was just two only which the first one was just the after credit scene, But i kinda knew there was no way they were gonna do 5 of them so yeah i kinda knew they were pretty much lying on this.
Also it's kinda odd Walters died in that way because it didn't seem that super serious like he should of been very injured after that but i found in this article here it's possible he is not dead but hurt really bad but that depends if they wanna bring him back or he will just stay dead as for me about this...... eh i don't care he was no Abraham Tower at all nor based on him at all lets kinda be real honest about him not sure if they will use Abe in the films probably not.
So that's overall my thoughts on this film it's still pretty good and was an improvement from the second film that didn't repeat the stuff the second film had that people didn't like so i am glad they did that.
I will talk about Sonic 4 and my predictions for what the film could be when i talk about the perfect villain for Sonic 4, but I can Tell that this one is gonna have an original story and not be an adaptation of any of the games and I believe this one will hopefully have sonic go back to his world and not have the film just take place on earth only As i think Amy needs sonic's help for something big and important and i think she knows about sonic's kind and i bet the next film will explore that.
As for the film coming in 2027 i think there could be reasons why they did that i think Jeff wants to do other stuff besides sonic for now like that new pink panther reboot film that's in the works as if anyone remembers that, As he is gonna direct that film and i think he might do it soon in this year in 2025.
So That's all i gotta say for Sonic 3 it's still a good film overall.
This is me when reading Screenrant articles
Why Shadow Turns White In Sonic The Hedgehog 3
10 Sonic The Hedgehog Characters That Could Be The Knuckles Spinoff's TRUE Villain
Casting Metal Sonic For Sonic The Hedgehog 4: 10 Actors Who'd Be Perfect
Note: I'm just poking fun at screenrant here, digital news outlets get a little off on franchises sometimes, and this meme is just topoke fun at the general silliness of how these sound reading them for face value
What is your favorite Sonic music track, song, or entire OST in general.
- Can be from any game.
- Can be from any movie (Paramount Sonic or OVA).
- Fan-Game/ROM hack OSTs are included too.
A music track that I would usually listen to a lot would be Live and Learn.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1BRZg0GG0A (link not having preview is intentional)
Note: Please do not say Sonic Eraser is your favorite.
24 Votes in Poll
SEGA will be popping some good old champagne today as it has emerged that the popular Sonic the Hedgehog 3movie has now achieved 210.9M globally at the box-office. The film has yet to open in several markets. The Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie has achieved success in each market it’s available in, apart from japan, where the film hasn’t been particularly well-received as Sonic apparently isn’t seen as a big franchise there.
Honestly it would be terrible but kind of funny if absolutely nothing happens and the pink-haired girl disappears into obscurity again. If that does happen she will forever haunt me.