20 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
(Not counting songs by mainstream artists that were made specifically for the franchise)
My picks would be:
“Believer” by Imagine Dragons and “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy make me think of Sonic.
“Pompeii” by Bastille makes me think of Silver.
“What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park makes me think of Shadow.
“Cool Kids” by Echosmith makes me think of Tails
“Monster” by Skillet reminds me of Werehog Sonic
I didn’t pick any of these songs randomly, if you actually look at the lyrics of the songs, you can see that they somewhat describe either the story of the characters, how they feel, or what they went through/are going through (especially Silver, Pompeii basically describes his lore/story perfectly).
What are some that you can think of?
What I aspect for Movie Amy Rose:
(Picture deleted because Spoiler showing up in main feed.)
She should be A Thoughtful, independent & Caring GOAL-ORIENTED Female Character.
No Crush, Obsession or any love interest towards Movie Sonic. Just a nice Friendship Like Movie Sonic & Movie Tails' relationship. A platonic relationship.
I Used to Think tails was a Cat when I was younger