When I first played (Knuckles') Chaotix I thought it was strange, but after the practice level it started to grow on me.
The bungee physics are very strange but fun at the same time. it stays true to the mainline classics but paves it's own path to make a whole new experience, and boy is it satisfying to play as the Chaotix in a 2D game.
Sonic Origins? Superstars? can we get a Chaotix DLC since it's thier 30th this year? Please? *puppy eyes*
What do yall think?
Also since I love these guys, it's my duty to inform anyone who doesn't know about this *points straight down*
And this amazing song here
If SatAm Season 3 was adaptation of video games (Sonic Spinball, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic CD, Knuckles' Chaotix, etc.)?.
Any ideas?
18 Votes in Poll
13 Votes in Poll
Hi, everyone! I wanted to discuss my top five favorite Sonic Characters for a while, so I'm drawing them out while explaining why I adore each character. With my favorite characters, I'll focus on the mainline games, but if there's a point in other media where I believe this character has a strong moment that elevates their character, I'll include it here. Another attribute I should mention is that I'll be talking about the best portrayals of that character, whether in English or in Japanese. Certain characters behave differently in localizations, such as Shadow acting less aggressive, and his priorities are more in line with Eggman's activities rather than the race in the Japanese version of the Team Sonic Racing transcript. So, without further ado, here's number five, Vector the Crocodile!
While Vector first appeared in Knuckles' Chaotix (with a strange origin involving God; I'm not making this up), Heroes was the game I started to appreciate his character. The development team re-imagined the Chaotix trio, and their personalities are clearer than in their first game appearance. Charmy's hyperactive, Espio's tranquil and proper, and Vector's sometimes loud; he's easygoing and the natural team leader. Sonic Heroes showcases this well with Chaotix's motto, "We don't turn down any job that pays!" He's focused and won't let anything distract them from the work, whether it's that Slot Machines at Casino Park or the Eggman's cannons at Bullet Station that Charmy wants to play with. He might have the temptation, like when he wants to ride one of Eggman's battleships in Egg Fleet, but puts the job first, showcasing his responsibility.
Character Dynamics with the Sonic Cast
Another trait I like about his character is his dynamic with other Sonic characters. I'll dive into his dynamic with the other members of the Chaotix members later because I believe that's one of his more notable characteristics. For now, I'll be talking about some other characters first, beginning with Miles "Tails" Prower.
I'm all for the small details in storytelling, and Team Sonic Racing's story presents this well to me. While Vector looks like he's here for the prize money, that's part of the reason for joining the race. Tails asks him to complete a request: find and discover Dodon Pa's motivations. Why Tails doesn't let his team know? Here's why. Sonic's having too much fun in the competition and might not believe there's a reason to be worried. Knuckles can be hot-headed sometimes. So having Vector investigate while keeping a low profile isn't a bad idea on Tails' end.
"What is it? Do you mean Dodon Pa and Eggman? But what's the use of worrying in that?" (Sonic says this in the game's Japanese version when discussing with Silver in Haunted Castle.)
Another detail I like about this interaction is it reminds me of the classic era. At the end of Knuckles' Chaotix, Sonic and Tails do end up appearing at the end of the game in the Tornado to see what the commotion was all about in Newtrogic High Zone, and this is where they have their first encounter with Mighty and Team Chaotix. While I wish we could see more of the classic interactions between the characters (It's more of a possibility as SEGA wants to bring back the classic era), I still appreciate this detail that elevates this moment. Even in the IDW comics, Tails and Vector have a common interest in detective work and solving mysteries. Tails even refer to Vector as "old chum," showcasing their history and how they have known each other since the classic days.
Speaking of history, he and Knuckles the Echidna go back since Knuckles' Chaotix. When the Babylon Rouges steal some relics from Marble Garden in IDW's misadventures arc, Knuckles goes to the Chaotix first. Why not Sonic and Amy? He can work with those two, but they tease him occasionally. The interactions here are subtle but showcase their dynamic well. Vector sticks to the Chaotix's motto, "We don't turn down a job that pays," and he has known Knuckles since the classic days. While Knuckles knows Vector can be a bit goofy sometimes, he trusts Vector and the rest of the Chaotix when handling certain situations. The three also respect his pride more than Sonic and Amy do.
Vector and Team Chaotix
Let's move on to Team Chaotix. One of Vector's defining moments as a character is with his team. I'll start with Charmy, then Espio. Charmy's energetic, and while he sometimes gets into trouble with Vector, he means well. It makes sense from Charmy's perspective because of the locations they visit. Imagine you're a little kid seeing pinball machines as big as buildings, grinding rails at a canyon, and smashing up evil robots; Charmy's excitement is understandable. Vector gets annoyed at Charmy's liveliness, and leads to funny moments involving the two.
In Ocean Palace:
Espio: The foe is asleep... Let's proceed slowly... Everyone, keep your voices low...
Charmy: OKAY!
It's played for laughs because Charmy's just teasing Vector, but the two genuinely do care for each other. Vector values Charmy's abilities when searching for clues for their clients in games like Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. He's also fully aware of Charmy's excitement during adventures and appreciates his enthusiasm. Vector cares a lot for him and sees Charmy as a true friend, and anything bad happens to him, well... I talk about that specific moment with Espio.
With Espio, Vector knows he's a dependable friend and believes in his skills as a ninja. Espio acts as the voice of reason, and while he gets annoyed at Vector's childish side sometimes, he trusts his instincts as a leader when handling clients or during a dangerous situation. However, during the Metal Virus, when Charmy got infected trying to save a citizen of Seaside City, Vector couldn't think straight, and Espio was there to be by his side. When they eventually find Charmy because the Chaotix don't leave one of their own behind, things turn for the worse. Due to a monkey civilian not understanding the full context of the Metal Virus, his infection sends others into a panic, causing Charmy's containment pod to break. While trying to escape the commotion, Charmy is about to infect more people until Vector sacrifices himself to ensure Espio and the others have a chance to defeat the Metal Virus once and for all. Vector sends Espio off with a smile, and all Espio can do is look on in silence, tearing up over his friend. Whoa. Of all the Metal Virus infections, in my opinion, Vector's the one that almost made me tear up. Even as I write this, tears are filling up in my eyes over this moment.
I could go about his diverse abilities (Sonic Roar, Hammer Down, how he has a pack of gum strong enough to carry the Chaotix) and the fun moments with the Sonic cast. However, I wanted to highlight the rare and unique moments of why I love his character. With a strong sense of duty and the teamwork presented with the rest of the Sonic cast, Vector is one of my favorites because he's a true team player. He's sometimes goofy and can act irrationally sometimes. However, he stays loyal to the Chaotix's cause of helping their clients while assisting others in need.
26 Votes in Poll
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22 Votes in Poll
So, just to remind everyone, I own Knuckles' Chaotix on the 32X:
What do I think of it so far?
Not bad honestly.
The stages aren't particularly memorable or have any hint of character, which is a bummer as there's good themeing here. Plus, having to play five acts does get a bit monotonous after a while, which is why I'm thankful for the stages being picked at random as opposed to appearing sequentially.
The physics aren't like the 16-bit games at all; the momentum isn't as refined, the jumping is far floatier, and curling into a ball provides no reward.
Though the ring tether wasn't as unruly as I was lead to believe. It takes a while to tame, but there is a knack to it; depending on whether you let go of the d-pad or B button to fling yourself or your teammate respectively.
I currently have 3 Chaos Rings, which are gained from endless Special Stages. So if you miss the required Blue Sphere amount, you aren't booted from the stage, your sent back through again to gather the remaining ones you need.
I think I made a good purchase here, not just in owning an important piece of Sonic history, bit also owning a decent game as well.
10 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
I drew more gijinka this week,
actually I was not planning to post the rest here but because the reaction was good I decided to post it.
I only drew characters I like.
33 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
So, I was watching Charriii5's video about everything wrong with Sonic spin-offs where Sonic isn't the main character, and when he got to Knuckles's Chaotix, he said something that caught my attention; apparently, the game is called Chaotix in Japan because Knuckles isn't the main protagonist. Charmy Bee is. I know he was probably joking, but just in case, I really would like to know if there is any official source where it says Charmy is the main protagonist of Chaotix.