But it looks like Surge and Kit are officially good guys
I don’t know how I feel about this, I kinda liked Surge and Kit being villainous doppelgänger’s of Sonic and Tails. It was pretty obvious from the start that they were gonna get a redemption arc but I feel like we don’t have enough re-occurring villains within the Sonic series. yeah we have had a TON of villains throughout the game series but they’ve all either been killed by a Super, Darkspine, Hyper, blah blah blah the list goes on, Sonic or “the power of teamwork”.
My point is that the only re occurring villains that we have don’t serve much of a threat besides Metal Sonic, and I don’t want to see the only conflicts Sonic has with villains to just be between him and Eggman. I kinda wanna see more Sonic vs Surge and Tails vs Kit.
I like the idea of them being good guys but I also really like the idea of them being bad guys. Maybe they can be like Kevin from the Ben 10 reboot? 🤷♂️