Disclaimer: I'd like to refrain from discussing any of the legal cases here, not just because I'm not very knowledgeable on them, but also because I'd rather discuss the stuff he did (or rather didn't do) while he was a staff member on the comic, that's my area of expertise, and is in my opinion more interesting.
Exactly what it says in the title, this is a thread dedicated to the multitude of acts Penders has been blamed for but never did. while I'll be addressing most of these myself, you're also welcome to ask me about something, and inquire if it was Penders' doing. If it isn't, I can provide an explanation for who really did it, and possibly why they did it.
What better thing to start off with than Maurice? A common claim made about Archie is that Ken Penders made Sonic's real name "Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog". He did not. While it is true that he wanted to make his first name Olgilvie, he never actually did it. As for Maurice, while that was successfully made Sonic's middle name, Penders did not do this. To prove it, here is the first moment in the comic to reveal "Maurice"
As indicated by the Scott Shaw pencils and Sally's weird early colors, this panel is clearly from issue 0, which was over a year before Penders came on to the book, at this point, the only writer was Michael Gallagher.
Secondly, the accusations of Geoffrey St. John being Penders' self insert. While Penders did appear to have a clear bias toward the character, there's nothing to indicate Penders wanted to be him. He never really had a character based on himself, the closest he came was Knuckles, as Knuckles' father Locke was based on Penders' own father. However I wouldn't count him as a self insert either, they both just feel like the ideal protagonists in Penders' eyes.