Here is redraw of a panel from the Sonic IDW Comics I've made. This is from Tangle & Whisper Issue 1.
I have more Sonic arts on my Deviantart account.
Here is redraw of a panel from the Sonic IDW Comics I've made. This is from Tangle & Whisper Issue 1.
I have more Sonic arts on my Deviantart account.
I decided to draw Jewel as elegant mode cure twinkle from Go! Princess Precure!
Hi, everyone! Here's a new illustration of Jewel (My First Sonic Drawing of the Year!) with updates to my art style after some practice. I hope you all enjoy the drawing and my analysis of her. So, let's look at Jewel's character together.
Character Tropes: Childhood Friends, Heroic Self-Deprecation, Workaholic, So Proud of You, You Are Better Than You Think You Are
The jewel beetle, ironically named Jewel, is Tangle's childhood friend who grew up with her in Spiral Hill Village. She's the curator of Spiral Hill Museum and has collected different minerals with Tangle, but not without a few hijinks from the latter. Jewel initially had minor roles in the IDW comics, and earlier stories show her to be compassionate, like in The Catalyst when she assist The President of the Sonic Fan Club in looking for his friends. As the comics progress, she becomes the Restoration's figurehead after Amy steps down due to its rigorous procedures. When she takes charge of The Restoration, she manages to arrange the faction and organize it better to assist others in need. While organizing is her specialty, dealing with Dr. Eggman and the other forces of evil is another.
Jewel may not be much of a fighter like Tangle, but she won't sit by idly during chaotic events. Despite her efforts to help others, the outcomes aren't the best. In the Metal Virus Arc, she gets infected while trying to help The Sonic Fan Club (It's not her fault. The two naive kids touch the virus despite the warnings.) When Eggman strikes in her town, she hides behind Amy Rose. And during Zeti Hunt, when the Zeti attacked The Restoration, she couldn't do much to help other than rely on Tangle and the other heroes. Reading that, it might seem Jewel isn't that capable. And that's what she thinks in The Trial of Fire Arc. She wants to help but is unsure of her abilities. When a forest fire occurs because of Dr. Starline's latest creations, Surge and Kit, all this leads to a superb moment between her and Amy Rose. I leave this quote right here.
"You know what you have been doing this whole time, your best. You made it this far, and with every new challenge, you're getting a little stronger."
With Jewel's newfound confidence, she guides others to safety while being a hero in her way. She even manages to let her childhood friend understand even though her and Tangle's paths are different, she'll be okay. It's a worthwhile message. While bittersweet, she accepts that she needs to be strong to overcome life's hurdles. Speaking of hurdles, that's what she needed to do when handling Clutch and his gang of misfits.
After Team Sonic gets disqualified after their boards go haywire, her first concern is asking if they're okay after the incident, highlighting her compassionate side, as mentioned earlier. When she doesn't hear back from them from The Clean Sweep Inc., she starts to get suspicious about the organization's motives. When hearing Sonic is The Phantom Rider, she's immediately relieved they are on the case and what Clean Sweep has been doing will come to light. After Charmy exposes Clutch, she cuts him off The Restoration's resources and sets the ship to detonate to ensure his schemes never come to fruition. Jewel's plan is very risky, but Clutch is responsible for mass pollution, poisoning, Chao Abuse (that monster), and more. It also highlights how far Jewel has progressed in the comics. From hiding from The Babylon Rouges when they robbed her museum to setting the ship to self-destruct when Clutch has more nefarious schemes, she's come a long way.
Jewel may stumble here occasionally, but as Amy said, she's getting stronger from those experiences. She might not know what to do immediately, but whenever she acts, it makes her journey and story more impactful. She shines bright like a Chaos Emerald because she works hard to ensure she grows as the person she wants to be.
Sonic IDW Character Rank: S
Link to Other Analysis (more can be found on my user page)
I decided to draw jewel as the wasp from the marvel universe.
1. Sonic
If you wait 3 minutes in Sonic CD, Sonic will jump off-screen, resulting in a game over.
2. Tails
Tails's voice actor in Sonic Heroes is William Corkery, who is the son of Vector's voice actor in that game, Bill Corkery.
3. Knuckles
Knuckles's favorite food is grapes, and this is carried over in Sonic Generations.
4. Amy
Amy replaced Flicky as the fourth playable character in Sonic Drift.
5. Eggman
Eggman was actually considered for the role of the main protagonist before ultimately becoming the main antagonist.
6. Cream
Cream is the youngest female character in the main canon.
7. Big
Big shares a lot in common with Blaze. They're both purple cats, they both have the same tail style, and both of their names start with the letter, "B".
8. Rouge
Rouge is one of two characters in the main canon to mention her mother without us seeing her, the other is Zomom.
9. Shadow
Shadow was originally named, "Terios" during SA2's development and even looked more like Sonic. For whatever reason, though, they changed his design and name.
10. Omega
In Sonic Chronicles, Omega calls his friends, "meatbags". This is a reference to Bender from Futurama.
11. Vector
Vector was conceived all the way back for Sonic 1, where he would have been in a band consisting of himself, Sonic, a rabbit, a monkey, and a parakeet.
12. Espio
Espio's current voice actor, Matt Mercer, also voiced Spyro in Skylanders: Imaginators.
13. Charmy Bee
Along with Amy, Charmy first appeared in the Sonic manga before being introduced in the games.
14. Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic's eyes turn green during his victory animation in one of the Mario and Sonic games.
15. Fang
Fang has gone by several names throughout the series. One of them is Jet the Jerboa, which was his scrapped name.
16. Bean
Bean is the son of Bin from Dynamite Dux, making Pin his uncle.
17. Bark
Bark is the only original playable character made specifically for Sonic the Fighters. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Espio, Fang, Metal Sonic, and Eggman were well established beforehand, Bean is based on the Dynamite Dux as previously mentioned, and Honey the Cat is based on Honey from Fighting Vipers.
18. Silver
Many fans believe Silver is somehow related to Shadow, since they both have chest fur and in Sonic in the Black Knight, Shadow plays the role of Lancelot, the father of Galahad, played by Silver. When asked on Facebook, however, Takahashi Iizuka debunked this theory.
19. Blaze
Blaze might be bilingual, as in Sonic Rush Adventure, she was able to read Babylonian text in Sky Babylon.
20. Tangle
Tangle is a comic book character. Ergo, she doesn't have a voice actress. However, we get a hint as to what she sounds like in Tangle and Whisper issue 2, where Mimic calls her a "rube" and a "yokel", implying that she has a country accent.
21. Whisper
Whisper is the first Sonic character from the comics to have a plush toy.
22. Lanolin
Lanolin shares her name with a character from U. S. Acres, created by Jim Davis, the man behind Garfield. I don't know if this was intentional, but man is it funny.
23. Mimic
Save for the deceased members, Mimic is one of the two Diamond Cutters to not be playable in Sonic Dash or Speed Battle, the other being Lanolin.
24. Starline
Starline is the first character in the IDW Comics to die in the present day, but the fourth one to die period. The first three were Slinger the Ocelot, Claire Voyance the Monkey, and Smithy the Lion.
25. Clutch
Clutch is of retirement age.
26. Belle
Belle's name and the fact that she was created by Mr. Tinker may be a reference to Tinkerbell from Peter Pan.
27. Nite and Don
Nite and Don were confirmed to be dating some time in 2022.
28. Surge
Surge is the second character based on the Ashura glitch from Sonic 2, the first being Scourge from the Archie Comics.
29. Kit
Kit is based the kitsune, a mythical Japanese fox.
30. Jewel
According to Ian Flynn, Jewel's favorite food is double sauce chicken wings.
26 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
In a recent interview conducted by Sonic Stadium, the head of Sonic Team, Takashi Iizuka, built upon his statement two years ago by offering fans of the IDW comics a possible pathway to seeing their favorite characters from the comics in game format. Some of these characters, such as Tangle the Lemur and Surge the Tenrec, are already playable in the mobile game Sonic Dash, but to see them in a mainline game (beyond having their names mentioned like in Sonic Frontiers) would be a great victory for the most devoted of their fans.
The Sonic The Hedgehog series has a seemingly endless amount of characters in it, yet few get the same amount of screentime as its namesake, and even fewer get treated with the same respect. But Sonic Team and SEGA have, in recent years, tried to shift away from nepotism and towards embracing the series’ diversity. Sonic Mania brought back Ray the Flying Squirrel and Mighty the Armadillo, both of whom had been lost to time, and Sonic Frontiers, as previously mentioned, made it a habit of referencing more obscure characters in order to honor their contributions to Sonic’s history, as well as to possibly generate intrigue for their return.
What's up with Jewel and Clutch? Did Clutch trick her?
Before you ask, no, it’s not the hands, just the darkest lord
25 Votes in Poll
61 Votes in Poll