For me, Movie Robotnik would command and disturb Chaos Council's quotes like Major Bennington.
I just finished season 3, and honestly it was kind of a letdown. Was it just me who thought that nine shouldnt have redeemed himself?
Personally, if I were to change the ending, I would make it so that nine and sonic battle to the very end. The chaos council wouldn't betray them (for some reason that just didnt sit right with me), and shadow and sonic would just barely be able to eacape. (or sonic would have to seriously hurt nine, which would really test his character). This would result in less of a "fiendship conquers everything" takeaway, and more of a deeper (and possibly darker) "nobody can be trusted" takeaway. (of course tone it down a little bit).
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South Island incident (STH)
Master Robot incident (STH 8-bit)
Death Egg incident (STH 2)
Little Planet incident (SCD)
Master Emerald incident (STH 3)
Metal Sonic Kai incident (Chaotix)
Chaos incident (Adventure)
Space Colony ARK incident (Adventure 2)
Neo Metal Sonic incident (Heroes)
Black Doom incident (Shadow the Hedgehog)
Solaris incident (06)
Ifrit incident (Rivals 2)
Scabbard of Excalibur incident (Black Knight)
Wisp incident (Colors)
Time Eater incident (Generations)
Zeti incident (Lost World)
Phantom Ruby incident (Mania and Forces)
Sage incident (Frontiers)
Mirage Express incident (TMOSTH)
Name me other Sonic games, but as incidents.
Deven Mack Jr as Sonic, Orbot, Cubot and Chaos Sonic
Ashleigh Ball as Tails, Nine, Mangey and sails
Adam Nurada as Green hill knuckles
Vincent Tong as Renegade Knucks, Garly, Dread, Dr babble, Dr Don’t and Dr Deep
Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy, Rusty, Black Rose and Thorn
Brian Drummond as Eggman and Dr Done-it
Ian Hanlin as Shadow, Big, Denizen 1998, Hangry and Catfish
And Kazumi Evans as Rouge, Rebel, Prim and Batten
In my opinion… they’re pretty good. With Deven Mack as sonic I kinda go back-and-forth between good and Average but I think that he’s a pretty good and unique voice for the character. Ashleigh Ball as tails is a good pick for tails and does a great job voicing Nine. Adam Nurada only voices the Green hill version of knuckles which I find to be pretty weird since he doesn’t have very many lines or screen time. As for his voice…ehh it just seem like he’s just doing a big tough guy impression, Not my thing. But for Vincent tong on the other hand, he does a good job on voicing the other versions of knuckles and Half of the chaos council, although his voice he doesn’t sound much like knuckles but I can overlook this since it isn’t too jarring. Shannon chan-Kent as Amy is good, not really much to say. I don’t know what it is but any eggman voice actor has done an amazing job voicing the mad doctor and Brian Drummond is no exception. He sounds great it conveying emotions and sounds very evil😈. It was pretty surprising finding out Ian Hanlin voices shadow, the edgy super-powered hedgehog and of all characters, big the cat? Anyway, for his shadow voice I would honestly prefer it over the voice the Sega has now in the games now. It’s refreshing to hear a shadow that doesn’t just sound like an edge Lord (not the voice actors fault, just the Direction that Sega is pushing the character). As for big we haven’t really had a big that has said a sentence that is more complicated than “froggy?! Where are you?!” So I can’t really compare this one to anything. Finally kazumi Evans as Rouge, I like her voice acting in general but kinda like Vincent Tong they don’t really sound much like Rouge but still a good job.
For me, I think they're decent as of right now. Their development in season 1 of Prime was kinda meh. Hopefully season 2 does them justice.