I was really bummed it didn't have any, though it makes sense why it doesn't. it's sad that Silver doesn't really show up in any fully animated cutscenes besides forces and those few brief moments in Generations
Or have difficulty settings like Forces has.
Have everyone work together instead of being major unlikable @$$holes to one another and fighting each other for stupid and petty reasons.
You do have a point there, that's part of what put me off before, though for Sonic and Knuckles it seems to be a friendly rivalry.
It's always disappointing when a game doesn't bother to animate its cutscenes (Sonic Free Riders and Team Sonic Racers). I understand the definition of a "video game" is for it to be about the game itself over the story, but if they're not going to bother to animate their cutscenes, then why bother with a fleshed out story at all?
@Mystic Monkey It doesn’t bother me too much. I mean, it makes sense for a handheld game. It makes less sense for a console game. Free Riders was heavily rushed so that could explain the slideshow cutscenes. They only time slideshow styled cutscenes in console games make sense is if it was intentional.
I wonder if they'll bother with cutscenes for Sonic Racing CrossWorlds. If not, I'd much rather it just be a compilation of races, like All-Star Racing did.
@Mystic Monkey Back then, SEGA just ignored that aspect and they still ignore it to this day. Making CGI does cost 100 to 700K possibly.
They could at least animate with in-game models and rendering.
What do you think?