The first time thanks to Pen Kenders
The second one... well... IDK why Fleetway thought giving a character with the strength to split off a bunch of Angel Island a gun was a fancy idea
Coming soon: the history of Sonic characters wielding guns meme
Also ken penders: any character and concept I wrote for sonic is my own and not segas and if they use them I will sue
Technically, Tails didn't take the shot.
And the weapon Knuckles had was a shrink ray, which was more of a tool used by Nack to haul treasures.
@Mystic Monkey
Nooooooooo, don't give us context, we don't like context!!!
Technically, there's specifically one mini game in Sonic Shuffle where they use guns, so every playable Shuffle character has used a gun before Shadow
Big the Cat:
Shadow was the first one to use guns?
No, I taught him to use guns.
I use to do it aaaaaalll the time to scare off bears when I went fishing.
In Sonic Adventure, during Sky Chase, does the weapons on the Tornado count as guns?
Eh, I mean, sure, but it's not the same as a mobian wielding one
Nah, its wielding guns in their hand not that
Well, earliest I can remember is Sonic Shuffle cowboy game.
What do you think?