Don't say anything on this post if you hate Sally pleaaaaaseeee, this post is sad enough as is... *sobs*
Don't say anything on this post if you hate Sally pleaaaaaseeee, this post is sad enough as is... *sobs*
The reasons why SEGA needs to finally use and bring back the past Non Sonic Game characters in the games for good
I want snively, Nagus and uncle chuck back again
But the sad thing is the archie Sonic Comics will never be reprinted again for a very long time as long as penders is around
Oh and that artist who made this........... yeah i seen her art....... she is just one of those fans..... straight from tumblr
This must have been fanmade. Sally isn't in this. She doesn't even exist in the games. (Only game she was in is a spinoff either with no story or is non-canon)
Also, just because of how she is in the comics peaple overlook that she is much better in Satam.
^ The video says "UST", which means "unofficial soundtrack"; ie, fan made.
Amen brother!
There is such a huge handful of characters Sega could bring back into the series and everyone would go crazy for but Sega doesn’t, I dunno why
There’s easy ways to work around plot holes to bring characters into the series, we dont have to bring back Sally specifically from Archie just basically a rebooted version of her and it’d be fine.
Well if Disney buys Sonic like they want to, I could see them return, but by then, would it be even worth it? Not really.
Disney will never buy them and they can't at all
I rather see paramount use any of the past non game sonic characters in the future sonic films which they should if they wanna use more sonic characters in the movies
^I don't see that happening, while Paramount is it's own company, they clearly have respect for Sega and respect their wishes for the most part, at least the section that's responsible for the Sonic movies do.
Okay, before things get off topic, Sally cool.
What do you think?