54 Votes in Poll
Everyone listen, he doesn’t HAVE to be the bad guy once more should he return again.
He can easily be a comic relief side character with his own subplot, not even interacting with Team Sonic.
Or he can be a neutral character who either helps Team Sonic or not, alongside Agent Stone, while still being his mean, egotistical self.
Or heck, he can even just appear post-credits, where it’s shown how he survived the explosion and is still in recovery.
I would very much rather him be in post credits teasing him as a villain or supporting villain for the next movie for the reasons I listed
I don't want him back. This franchise has so many villains, why do the movies have to reuse the same guy they've beaten 3 times already.
Cuz it’s Flippin’ Jim Carrey!!!!!
And Eggman has been part of the entire franchise since the beginning.
It’s no Sonic without Eggman.
And if that’s the case, hopefully he’d be in hospital, in a full-body cast and on life support, very heavy chance of dying.
Yet, in spite of this, he continues to act all insufferable, hammy, egotistical and comedic, the situation not bothering him at all!
Also all of the villains in the franchise somehow tie back to eggman
Not really
Black Doom
Hooligans (work with Eggman but are independent)
There are plenty of villians you can find in the franchise that aren't reliant or tied to Eggman
It Will be funny or goofy if this is movie 100th (Joke) and robotnik will never give up defeating Sonic even know he was defeated that many time
If Sonic 4 takes inspiration of Sonic CD, Eggman would've actually died, but Eggman appeared in the past, because Sonic CD is about time travel stuff.
I already have the perfect idea on how he survived when i talk about the perfect villain for Sonic 4
What do you think?