@Flash-Gold-Echo You misunderstood me. I'm not talking about the ban on AI Art on the Sonic Wiki Zone; I'm talking about your views on why you think human-related work will become outdated because AI will take over. The users here only express their ideas with the innovation, and they list them as AI. If not, it gets taken down according to the Sonic Wiki Zone policies. I'm pretty sure most of them don't want a full AI Takeover.
The AI users on the wiki appreciate the human artists' work put into their art pieces because it shows their passion for the medium. What you're saying sounds like what artists and anyone who draws will become small compared to AI. While JokerJay779 could have used more evidence and refined their statements, their fear is understandable. They're worried that the work they put into their art won't matter because AI will take over. That's something that many artists fear and have left DeviantArt for because they promoting AI art more instead of people who put in the work on the platform. What you said wasn't nice because you're supporting an AI takeover. Many artists already don't get enough respect as it is. Add that with a robot that can replicate art that some people can't distinguish between AI and real art? It's a scary thought. I even fell for an art piece on Lanolin the Sheep done on Civit.ai by BigFanBud123. It wasn't until I saw the eyes I realized it was done by AI. Here's the image:

If people want to express their ideas with AI as long as it's credited and it's for fun, that's fine. However, what you said wasn't cool.