Yuji Naka got arrested AGAIN for THE SAME REASON LIKE LAST TIME & no I'm not kidding (Please stop doing illegal trading dude, it's going to get you arrested):
Yuji Naka got arrested AGAIN for THE SAME REASON LIKE LAST TIME & no I'm not kidding (Please stop doing illegal trading dude, it's going to get you arrested):
C'mon! How is this not at all suspicious? Dudes got a family, he ain't a hardened criminal. First time is quesitonable enough but the fact he was let off just to do it straight after, isn't that at all a red flag for him being set up?
Are you serious right neow bro
Always next time Naka. Third time's a charm as they say.
but no fr fr why would you go and get arrested for the exact same crime? Unless this happened along side the first one and they're only punishing him with it now for whatever reason?
Oh wells. This isn't the first time I've seen someone responsible for a well-beloved series turning out to not be the most ripe fruit on the tree.
This is starting to get a lil sus.. all this is being said by news youtubers who barely ever cover the law like vailskibum, and plus he has a life and a family
^Its not just news Youtubers though, its reported by almost all gaming news sites as well.
On-topic, according to recent reports Naka will most likely be handed a suspended sentence by a judge, this being his first offence and all.
Still, if Naka's "image" wasn't already ruined by Balan it sure was ruined forever the first time he got arrested.
What do you think?