Artículos principales (Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, Sonic & Knuckles Collection, Blue Sphere, Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2) | Galerías (Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic & Knuckles Collection, Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2) | Elementos beta (Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles) | Créditos (Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic & Knuckles Collection) | Glitches (Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, Sonic & Knuckles Collection, Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic, Hyper Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower (Super Tails) | Knuckles the Echidna (Super Knuckles, Hyper Knuckles, Bluechidna)
Dr. Robotnik | Animales (Flicky (Super Flicky), Pocky, Pecky, Cucky, Ricky, Picky, Rocky)
Batbot | Blaster | Blastoid (Carnival Night Zone, Hydrocity Zone) | Bloominator | Bubbles | Bugernaut | Butterdroid | Catakiller, Jr. | Chainspike | Clamer | Cluckoid | Corkey | Dragonfly | EggRobo | Fireworm | Flybot767 | Hyudoro | Iwamodoki | Jawz | Madmole | Mantis | Mega Chopper | Monkey Dude | Mushmeanie | Orbinaut | Penguinator | Pointdexter | RhinoBot | Ribot | Rock'n | Sandworm | Skorp | Snale Blaster | Spikebonker | Spiker | Star Pointer | TechnoSqueek | Toxomister | Turbo Spiker
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Angel Island Zone | Hydrocity Zone | Marble Garden Zone | Carnival Night Zone | IceCap Zone | Launch Base Zone | Special Stages | Bonus Stages
Sonic & Knuckles
Mushroom Hill Zone | Flying Battery Zone | Sandopolis Zone | Lava Reef Zone | Hidden Palace Zone | Sky Sanctuary Zone | Death Egg Zone | The Doomsday Zone | Special Stages | Bonus Stages
Azure Lake Zone | Balloon Park Zone | Chrome Gadget Zone | Desert Palace Zone | Endless Mine Zone
Fire Breath | Big Shaker | Tunnelbot | Bowling Spin | Iceball | Swing’m Spikez | Hei Hou | Gapsule | Barrier Eggman | Guardian | Heat Arms | Egg Mobile-H | Flying Eggman | Red Eye | Death Ball
Jefes de zona
Flame Mobile | Screw Mobile | Drill Mobile | Graviton Mobile | Freezer Mobile | Ball Shooter | Beam Rocket | Big Arm | Jet Mobile | Hang Mobile | Egg Golem | Hot Mobile | Knuckles | Mecha Sonic | Super Mecha Sonic | Kyodai Eggman Robo | The Doomsday Zone
Movimientos y técnicas
Bound Jump | Double Jump | Fireball Spin Dash | Glide | Gliding Knuckles Attack | Hyper Flash | Insta-Shield | Propeller Flying | Spin Jump | Spin Dash | Spin Attack | Wall Climb
Banana | Bomba | Bomba de Auto Destrucción | Botón | Burbujas de Aire | Booster | Bumper | Bumper wall | Cañón | Caja movible | Capsule | Change | Chaos Emerald | Continue | Esfera | Globo | Hongo | Jump Stand | Nube | Lanza | Monitor (Water Shield, Flame Shield, Invincibility, Lightning Shield, Super Ring, Super Shoes, Extra Life, S, Eggman) | Picos | Polea | Prensa | Ring | Signpost | Slow-Down Shoes | Snowboard | Spring | Spinning Top | Star Post (Star Circle) | Super Emerald | Tirolina | Transport | Ventilador | Vid
Angel Island | Balancín | Barril | Bola de hierro | Botón de Control Anti-Gravedad | Cañón de Bolas de Fuego | Carámbano | Cinta Transportadora | Competition | Congelar | Debug Mode | Elevador de Alta Velocidad | Elevador de Poste | Flipper | Giro de sacacorchos | Goal | Goma de mascar | Jewel Radar | Máquina tragamonedas | Mushroom Hill | Perfect Bonus | Relief | Reverse | Ring Shooter | Rock Drill | Rueda Elevadora de Plataformas | Shuttle loop | Sky Sanctuary | Sonic & Knuckles • Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Soplador de Nieve | Strange Relief | Time Attack | Tornado | Tubo de Urdimbre de Alta Velocidad | Volante | Warp Point | Winding Tunnel | Wonderman
Artículo principal | Galería | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Dr. Robotnik | Knuckles the Echidna | Nack the Weasel | Metal Sonic | Flicky
Bane Motora | Bombaberry | Badnik de Meta Junglira Zone | Badnik de Sunset Park Zone | Badnik de Tidal Plant Zone | Mosqui | Rabibin | Penguin Bomber | Spidal Tap | Mecha Hiyoko | Bomblur
Great Turquoise Zone | Sunset Park Zone | Meta Junglira Zone | Robotnik Winter Zone | Tidal Plant Zone | Atomic Destroyer Zone | Special Stage
Marvelous Queen | Tart Turtle | Marveshupopolous-gou | Wood Buttarundorf | Giga Thomas "Pen" | Knuckles the Echidna | Jefes de Atomic Destroyer Zone (Metal Sonic, 1, 2, 3) | Nack the Weasel
Movimientos y técnicas
Flying Spin Attack | Heli-Tails | Spin Attack | Spin Jump | Strike Dash | Super Spin Dash | V. Maximum Overdrive Attack
Burbujas de Aire | Bonus Panel | Continue | Monitor (Super Ring, Power Sneakers, Rocket Shoes, Pogo Spring, Hyper Heli-Tails, Jet Board, Propeller Shoes, Invincibility, 1-Up, Arrow Monitor, Chaos Emerald, Sea Fox, Time Bonus) | Ring | Spring
Archie Sonic Triple Trouble | Bomba | Botón | Booster | Bola de picos | Chaos Emerald | Cinta Transportadora | Esfera | Shuttle loop | Spin Coaster | Star Circle | Teletransportador | Tubo de Urdimbre de Alta Velocidad | Tornado
Artículo principal | Galerías (Adventure, DX, 2010) | Transcripciones (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches | Relanzamientos (DX, 2010)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | E-102 Gamma | Big the Cat | Metal Sonic*
Dr. Eggman | E-101 Beta (E-101 Mark II) | Chao | Chaos (Chaos 1, Chaos 2, Chaos 4, Chaos 6, Perfect Chaos) | Cream the Rabbit* | E-103 Delta | E-104 Epsilon | Froggy | Grandma | Sr. Sabelotodo | Pachacamac | Tikal | Robot de Sonic sin nombrar* | E-100 Alpha | E-105 Zeta | Animales (Ciervo, Conejo, Elefante, Gorila, Canguro, Foca, Golondrina, Koala, León, Loro, Nutria de mar, Pavo real, Pinguino, Topo, Zorrillo)
Adventure Fields
Egg Carrier | Mystic Ruins | Station Square
Action Stages
Emerald Coast | Windy Valley | Casinopolis | Icecap | Sky Chase | Twinkle Park | Speed Highway | Red Mountain | Sky Deck | Lost World | Hot Shelter | Sand Hill | Twinkle Circuit
Aeronave sin nombrar de Icecap | Avión de combate sin nombrar de Sky Deck | Beat | Bladed Spinner | Boa-Boa | Buyoon | Cart Kiki | Cop Speeder | Egg Keeper | Electro Spinner | Fighter Aircraft A | Fighter Aircraft B | Gola | Ice Ball | Kiki | Leon | Pirate | Rhinotank | Spiky Spinner | Sweeper
Chaos 0 | Chaos 2 | Chaos 4 | Chaos 6 | E-100 Alpha | E-101 Beta | E-102 Gamma | E-103 Delta | E-104 Epsilon | E-105 Zeta | Egg Carrier | Egg Hornet | Egg Viper | Egg Walker | Perfect Chaos
Movimientos y técnicas
Personajes jugables
Climb | Dig | Flight Mode | Glide | Hammer Attack | Hammer Jump | Hover | Homing Attack | Homing Missile Launch | Jump Attack | Laser Gun | Light Speed Attack | Light Speed Dash | Lure Attack | Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack | Pick | Propeller Flight | Punch Attack | Rapid Tails Attack | Rayo de luz | Spin Dash | Spin Hammer Attack | Spin Jump | Tails Attack
Arm Punch | Bomb Attack | Bomb Gun Attack | Charge | Double Punch | Earthquake Attack | Electric Arm | Energy Ball Attack | Flame Thrower Attack | Guiding Missiles | Instantaneous Liquefaction | Laser Beam Attack | Homing Tail Slice | Inhale Attack | Marble Attack | Phantom Shadow Move | Punch | Quarter Attack | Scorpion Attack | Shockwave Attack (Chaos 6) | Sonic Boom | Spin Attack | Spinning Spike Attack | Spouting Attack | Squash Roll Attack | Swing Punch
Ancient Light | Crystal Ring | Fighting Gloves | Jet Anklet | Jet Booster | Laser Blaster | Life Belt | Light Speed Shoes | Long Hammer | Lure | Power Rod | Rhythm Badge | Shovel Claw | Warrior Feather
Físicas y obstáculos
Bola de hierro | Botón | Bumper | Bumper Car | Campana Colgante | Campo láser | Cañón | Carámbano | Catapulta de Spring | Cinta Transportadora | Cohete | Dash Panel | Dash Ring | Espejo | Explosion Trap | Flipper | Goal Balloon | Helicóptero | Hint Box | Hint Orb | Jump Panel (placa) | Jump Panel (rampa) | Lata de Tambor | Lit Panel | Manantial | Manivela | Máquina tragamonedas | Monkey Detonation Switch | Orca | Power cube | Satélite | Spring | Teleporter | Tirolina | Trick Jump Panel | Ventilador | Wide spring | Wind Path
Actores de voz
Ryan Drummond (Sonic) | Corey Bringas (Tails) | Michael McGaharn (Knuckles) | Deem Bristow (Eggman) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy) | Jon St. John (Big) | Elara Distler (Tikal, Voz de Tren de Station Square, Menú de Voz por Defecto) | Steve Broadie (Gamma, Pachacamac, Voz de Tren de Mystic Ruins) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kazuki Hayashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Shun Yashiro (Big) | Kaori Asō (Tikal) | Jōji Nakata (Gamma) | Tōru Ōkawa (Pachacamac) | Kaho Kōda (Voz de Tren de Station Square) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Voz de Tren de Mystic Ruins) | Elara Distler (Default Menu Voice) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Believe In Myself | It Doesn't Matter | Lazy Days (Livin' in Paradise) | My Sweet Passion | Open Your Heart | Unknown From M.E.
777 Slots Pinball | Angel Island | Auto Running | Black Market | Card & Pinball | Chao Stadium | Chao in Space | Chao Machine | Chao Search* | Congelar | Giro de sacacorchos | Debug Mode | Departamento de Policía de Station Square | E-100 Series | Egg Carrier | Egg Carrier 2 | Emerald Radar | Jardín Chao (Jardín de Station Square, Jardín de Mystic Ruins, Jardín del Egg Carrier) | Laboratorio de Tails | Life gauge | Mission Mode | Mystic Ruins | Santuario de la raza de Knuckles | Shuttle loop | Sonic Adventure (juego de LCD) | Station Square | Tornado | Tornado 2 | Transporter Machine
*Exclusivo de Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Créditos
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | E-102 Gamma | Big the Cat | Chao
Dr. Eggman | Lumina Flowlight | Illumina | Void | NiGHTS
Emerald Coast | Fire Bird | Fourth Dimension Space | Nature Zone | Riot Train
Vs 4
Egg & the Chicken | Egg in Space | Frosty Rumble | Fun Fun Sonic | Great Escape | Jump the Snake | Over the Bridge | Number Jump | Over the Rainbow | Psychic Sonic | Shadow Tag | Sonic Gun Slinger | Sonic Live | Sonic Tag | Sonic Tank | Sonicola | Stop and Go | Thor's Hammer | Tractor Beam Tag | Twister | Zero G Snap Shot
2 vs 2
Bomb Relay | Bucket-O-Rings | Shoddy Work | Sonic the Thief
1 vs 3
Bungee Jump | Eggbot's Attack! | Gargantua | Manic Maze | Sonic DJ | Sonicooking | Wrong Way Climb
Crock-Attack | Final Frontier | Ring Lasso | Ring of Fire | Rapid Climb | Ring Tide | Sky Bridge | Sonic Parasol | Thru the Tunnel
Etapa completa
Earth Quake | Sky Diving | Sonic Surf | Stop the Train | Void Battle
Orden de juego
Sonic Darts | Sonic Hi Lo | Sonic Slot
Movimientos y técnicas
Climbing | Froggy | Gun | Hammer Jump | Hover | Light-speed Spin Dash | Light Speed Spin Attack | Lullaby | Maximum Heat Attack | Power Throw | Propeller Flight | Rapid Spin Attack | Roller Mode | Revolving Hammer Attack | Sonic Rumble | Spin Dash
1 Force March | 6 Force March | Barrier Amber | Battle Ruby | Blockite | Carbuncle | Chamelionite | Curse Opal | Deletite | Duplichaos | Fivealive | Foolmoon | Geasdain | Hi-Speederald | Hypnotite | Lose Quartz | Low Moonstone | Magnifire | Maharajite | Max-Speederald | Medium | Packlite | Preciousite | Reducite | Ringidium | Shield Quartz | Shuffire | Sonic-Speederald | Speederald | Stopnite | Swap Jewel | Teleport Ruby | Thief's Eye | Transfire | Turbo-Speederald | Warp Crystal | Warponite | Wastone
Burbujas de Aire | Carta | Emblema | Carta Mágica | Maginaryworld | Monstruo de Maginaryworld | Mini-Evento | Precioustone | Rings | Espacios (Battle Space, Eggman Battle Space, Event Space, Jewel Shop Space, Jump Space, Minus Ring Space, No Entry Space, Plus Ring Space, Precioustone Space, Quest Space, Revolving Space, Void Preciousstone Space) | Sonic Room | Spring | Temple of Light
Artículo principal | Galerías (Adventure 2, Battle, 2012) | Transcripciones (Hero, Dark, Final) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches | Relanzamientos (Battle, 2012)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose* | Shadow the Hedgehog (Super Shadow) | Rouge the Bat | Dr. Eggman | Big the Cat*^ | Tikal* | Chaos* | Dark Chao Walker* | Chao Walker* | Metal Sonic*
Chao (Dark Chao, Hero Chao, Chaos Chao) | Prof. Gerald Robotnik | Maria Robotnik | Presidente | Secretario | Sigma-Alpha 2 | Investigadores | Animales (Conejo, Cóndor, Dragón, Fénix, Foca, Gorila, Jabalí, Leopardo, Mitad pez, Loro, Mapache, Murciélago, Nutria de mar, Oso, Oveja, Pavo real, Perro esqueleto, Pinguino, Tigre, Unicornio, Zorrillo)
City Escape | Wild Canyon | Prison Lane | Metal Harbor | Green Forest | Pumpkin Hill | Mission Street | Aquatic Mine | Route 101 | Hidden Base | Pyramid Cave | Death Chamber | Eternal Engine | Meteor Herd | Crazy Gadget | Final Rush
Iron Gate | Dry Lagoon | Sand Ocean | Radical Highway | Egg Quarters | Lost Colony | Weapons Bed | Security Hall | White Jungle | Route 280 | Sky Rail | Mad Space | Cosmic Wall | Final Chase
Cannon's Core | Green Hill
Etapas 2P*
Downtown Race | Grind Race | Planet Quest | Pool Quest | Deck Race | Pyramid Race
Blue Eagle | Bomb Beetle | Bomb Wing | Gold Beetle | Gun Hawk | Gun Beetle | Gun Hawk | Gun Hunter | Gun Wing | Hornet-3 | Hornet-6 | Hornet-9 | Laser Hawk | Laser Hornet | Laser Hunter | Mono Beetle | Phoenix | Rhino Cannon | Rhino Jet | Rhino Metal | Rhino Spike | Shield Hunter | Sky Hawk | Spark Beetle | Spring Beetle
Eggman Empire
Buzz Bomber | Chopper | E-1000 | Gola | Unidus | Kiki
Artificial Chaos (Artificial Chaos P-1, Artificial Chaos P-100, Cell, Float Type, Guard Type) | Boo | Boom Boo
Central City | Chao Kindergarten | Chao Stadium | Colonia Espacial ARK | Mercado Negro | Jardín Chao (Héroe, Neutral, Oscuro) | Luna | Prison Island | Station Square
B-3x Hot Shot | Biolizard | Dr. Eggman | Egg Golem | F-6t Big Foot | Finalhazard | King Boom Boo | Knuckles | R-1/A Flying Dog | Rouge | Shadow | Sonic | Tails
Movimientos y técnicas
Black Shield | Black Wave | Bounce Attack | Chaos Control | Chaos Spear | Dig | Drill Claw | Drill Drive | Fire Somersault | Grinding | Crouch | Hammer Punch | Hip Drop* | Hover | Homing Attack | Kick/Kick Attack | Light Attack | Light Speed Dash | Lock-On Missile | Magic Hands | Power Laser | Punch/Punch Attack | Screw Kick | Somersault | Sonic Wind | Spin Jump | Spin Dash | Spiral Upper | Storming Heart* | Super Sonic Boost | Thunder Arrow | Volkan Cannon
Air Necklace | Air Shoes | Ancient Light | Bazooka | Booster | Bounce Bracelet | Flame Ring | Hammer Gloves | Iron Boots | Jet Engine | Large Cannon | Laser Blaster | Light Speed Shoes | Magic Gloves | Mystic Melody | Protective Armor | Shovel Claw | Sunglasses | Treasure Scope
Actores de voz
Ryan Drummond (Sonic) | Connor Bringas (Tails) | Scott Dreier (Knuckles, G.U.N) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy Rose) | David Humphrey (Shadow the Hedgehog) | Lani Minella (Rouge) | Omochao}} | Deem Bristow (Eggman) | Moriah Angeline (Maria) | Marc Biagi (Gerald, Soldados de G.U.N) | Steve Broadie (Presidente) | Shelly Fox (Tema de Menú Predeterminado) Jon St. John (Big) | Elara Distler (Tikal) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kazuki Hayashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman, Gerald) | Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) | Yuri Shiratori (Maria) | Kinryū Arimoto (Presidente) Shun Yashiro (Big) | Shelly Fox (Tema de Menú Predeterminado) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Sonic Adventure 2 Official Soundtrack | Sonic Adventure 2 Original Soundtrack
A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup | Believe In Myself | Deeper | Dive into the Mellow | E.G.G.M.A.N. | Escape from the City | Fly in the Freedom | For True Story | It Doesn't Matter | Kick the Rock! | Live and Learn | My Sweet Passion | Rhythm And Balance | Space Trip Steps | Supporting Me | The Supernatural | Throw It All Away | Unknown From M.E. | Vengeance is Mine
Angel Island | Auto Running | Bomba | Botón | Cañón Eclipse | Camión de G.U.N. | Chao Adventure^ | Chao Adventure 2^ | Chao in Space | Chao Key | Chao World | Chaos Drives | Chaos Emerald | Cohete | Contenedor | Cyclone | Dash Panel | Dinamita | Eggwalker | Emblema | Emerald Shards | Giro de sacacorchos | Goal Ring | Grind Rail | Hourglass | Huevo Chao | Item Box (Bomba | Extra Life | Invincibility | Magnetic Barrier | Master Emerald | Power Sneakers | Shield | Super Ring) | Misil | Projecto Shadow | Polea | Rampa | Rangos | Ring | Shuttle loop | Snowboard | Soap Shoes | Teleporter | Tótem | Winding Tunnel
*Aparece o se puede jugar en el modo 2P. ^Exclusivo de la versión de Dreamcast.
Artículo principal | Galería | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Dr. Eggman | Chao | Gold Chao
Buzzer | Drisame | E-02 Rhinotank | E-04 Leon | GamiGami | Hanabii | Kero-Kero | Kiki | Kura | Mirror | Mogu | Oct | Pen | Pierrot | Senbon | Slot | Tentou | Wamu | Yukimaru
Neo Green Hill Zone | Secret Base Zone | Casino Paradise Zone | Ice Mountain Zone | Angel Island Zone | Egg Rocket Zone | Cosmic Angel Zone | X-Zone | The Moon Zone | Special Stage
Egg Hammer Tank | Egg Press | Egg Ball | Egg Spider | Mecha Knuckles | Egg Snake | Egg Mobile-H | Egg Mobile-D | EGG X | Super Egg Robot
Movimientos y técnicas
Climb | Glide | Hammer Attack | Hammer Jump | Hammer Whirl | Jump Dash | Leap | Insta-Shield | Jump Attack | Propeller Flying | Skid Attack | Spin Attack | Spin Dash | Super Sonic Boost | Somersault | Tail Swipe
Box (? Ring, 5 Rings Bonus, 10 Rings, Barrier, Blind, Brake, Confusion, Extra Life, Invincible, Magnetic Barrier, Speed Boots, Transparency, Warp) | Capsule | Checkpoint | Continue | Ring
Barril | Bumper wall | Continue | Luna | Polea | Shuttle loop | Time Attack | Tiny Chao Garden | Time Over | Tirolina | Tornado | Trick Point | Winding Tunnel
Artículo principal | Galería | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Cream the Rabbit
Dr. Eggman | Vanilla the Rabbit | Guard Robo | Chao | Animales (Deer, Elephant, Gorilla, Koala, Kangaroo, Lion, Parrot, Peacock, Penguin, Rabbit, Seal, Sea Otter, Skunk, Swallow) | Flicky
Leaf Forest | Hot Crater | Music Plant | Ice Paradise | Sky Canyon | Techno Base | Egg Utopia | XX | True Area 53 | Special Stage
Balloon | Bell | Buzzer | Circus | Flickey | Geji-Geji | Gohla | Hammerhead | Kiki | Koura | Kubinaga | Kura-Kura | Kyura | Madillo | Mon | Mouse | Pen | Piko Piko | Spina | Star | Straw | Yado
Egg Hammer Tank 2 | Egg Bomber Tank | Egg Totem | Aero Egg | Egg Saucer | Egg-Go-Round | Egg Frog | Super EggRobo Z | True Area 53
Movimientos y técnicas
Movimientos regulares
Amy Dash | Boost Mode | Bound | Chao Attack/Step Attack | Chao Rolling Attack | Double Spin Attack | Drill Claw | Double Punch/Spiral Attack | Flying | Hammer Attack/Head Slide | Homing Attack | Jump Dash | Mid-Air Glide | Mid-Air Hammer Swirl | Propeller Flying | Spin Attack | Spin Dash | Skid Attack/Super Skid | Super Hammer Attack | Super Sonic Boost | Tails Swipe/Super Tails Swipe | Wall Climb
Mid-Air Trick Actions
Big Air (Happy Spring, Hop Jump, Petit Step, Spiral Upper) | Long Wind Jump (Burning Straight, Humming Top, Sweet Roll, Window Jump) | Stop 'n' Slam (Bound, Drill Claw, Mid-Air Hammer Swirl, Propeller Descent, Soft Bomber) | Quick Reverse (Back Attack, Back Rotor, Back Star, Milky Turn)
Auto Running | Barra de Gimnasia | Botón de Control Anti-Gravedad | Bumper wall | Cañón | Chaos Emerald | Giro de sacacorchos | Dash Panel | Grind Rail | Item Box (Attack, Brake, Confusion, Extra Live, Invincibility, Magnetic Barrier, Mosaic, Power Sneakers, Shield, Super Ring, Warp) | Plataforma Rotante | Pole | Rampa | Rings | Shuttle loop | Special Ring | Picos | Spring | Star Post | Time Attack | Time Over | Tiny Chao Garden | Winding Tunnel
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripciones (Sonic, Rose, Dark, Chaotix) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Team Sonic
Sonic | Tails | Knuckles
Team Rose
Amy | Cream | Cheese | Big
Team Dark
Shadow | Rouge | Omega
Team Chaotix
Espio | Charmy | Vector
Team Super Sonic
Super Sonic | Super Tails | Super Knuckles
Dr. Eggman | Metal Sonic (Neo Metal Sonic) | Chocola | Froggy | Shadow Android
Egg Pawn | Casino Pawn | Egg Knight | Egg Flapper | Cameron | Klagen | Egg Hammer | Heavy Egg Hammer | Falco | Egg Bishop | Egg Magician | Rhino Liner | E-2000 | E-2000R | Gold Cameron | Gold Klagen | Pumpkin-Head Ghosts
Etapas de 1P
Sea Gate | Seaside Hill | Ocean Palace | Grand Metropolis* | Power Plant | Casino Park | BINGO Highway | Rail Canyon | Bullet Station | Frog Forest | Lost Jungle | Hang Castle | Mystic Mansion | Egg Fleet | Final Fortress | Special Stage
Etapas de 2P
City Top | Casino Ring | Turtle Shell | Egg Treat | Pinball Match | Hot Elevator | Seaside Course | City Course | Casino Course | Road Rock | Mad Express | Terror Hall
Modo Batalla (2P)
Action Race | Bobsled Race | Expert Race | Quick Race | Ring Race | Special Stage | Team Battles
Egg Hawk | Team Battle 1 | Robot Carnival | Egg Albatross | Team Battle 2 | Robot Storm | Egg Emperor | Metal Madness | Metal Overlord
Movimientos y técnicas
Maniobras de Velocidad
Homing Attack | Kick | Light Dash | Propeller Hammer | Rocket Accel | Shuriken | Spin | Swinging Hammer Attack | Tornado Jump (Black Tornado, Blue Tornado, Leaf Swirl, Tornado Hammer) | Triangle Jump
Maniobras de Poder
Auto Homing | Body Press | Bubblegum Descent | Fire Combination | Fire Dunk | Fire Launcher | Fireball Jump | Forward Power Attack | Hammer Down | Jump Fire Knock | Jump Fireball | Remote Power Attack (Fireball, Fire Knock) | Triangle Dive | Umbrella Descent | Wide Power Attack (Big Fishing, Omega Arm, Vector Breath, Volcanic Dunk)
Maniobras de Vuelo
Ascending Flight | Cheese Attack | Dummy Ring Bomb | Sting Attack | Thunder Shoot | Quick Ascent
Team Blast
Sonic Overdrive | Chaos Inferno | Flower Festival | Chaotix Recital | Super Sonic Power
Grinding | Jump Dash | Light Speed Attack | Spin Jump
Físicas y obstáculos
Bingo | Bobsled | Bola de fuego | Bola de hierro | Bomba | Bumper | Bumper wall | Campo Láser | Cañón | Carretilla | Cinta Transportadora | Dash Panel | Dash Rail | Dash Ring | Flipper | Flor | Flor de Urdimbre | Rana Gigante | Grind Rail | Hélice | Hint Ring | Hongo | Jump Panel | Kao | Máquina tragamonedas | Pesa | Polea | Poste | Power Gong | Rainbow Ring | Spring | Ventilador | Vid | Wide spring
Antorcha | Capsule | Chaos Emerald | Check Point | Coche | Contenedor (Jaula, Caja, Contenedor de Acero, Contenedor de Madera, Contenedor Irrompible) | Emblema | Engine Core | Esfera | Ficha de Casino | Item Box Flotante | Goal Ring | Cangrejo ermitaño | Item Box (Barrier, Fly Charge, High Speed, Invincible, Rings, Power Core, Team Blast Ring, 1-Up) | Llave de Castillo | Llave de Celda | Llave de la Special Stage | Rings
Actores de Voz
Ryan Drummond (Sonic, Metal Sonic) | Deem Bristow (Eggman) | William Corkery (Tails) | Scott Drier (Knuckles) | David Humphrey (Shadow) | Lani Minella (Rouge, Omochao) | Jon St. John (Omega, Big) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy) | Sarah Wulfeck (Cream) | Bill Corkery (Espio) | Marc Biagi (Vector) | Emily Corkery (Charmy)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic the Hedgehog, Metal Sonic) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Taiten Kusunoki (Omega) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Sayaka Aoki (Cream) | Takashi Nagasako (Big) | Yūki Masuda (Espio) | Kenta Miyake (Vector) | Yōko Teppōzuka (Charmy) | Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao)
Sonic Heroes | We Can | This Machine | Follow Me | Team Chaotix | What I'm Made Of...
Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax | Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax | Sonic Heroes Official Soundtrack | Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition
Dummy Ring Egg Bazooka | Egg Fleet | Egg Gun | Egg Spear | Fly Type | Formation Change Gate | Health Gauge | HEXAeco | Luna | Orca | Palm Plants | Power Type | Rangos | Sonic Heroes Puzzle | Shuttle loop | Speed Type | Super Hard Mode | Team Blast Gauge | Tornado 2 | Tren blindado
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripciones (Historia Principal, Last Story) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Shadow the Hedgehog (Dark Shadow, Hero Shadow, Super Shadow)
Modo 2P
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Dr. Eggman | Cream the Rabbit | Vector the Crocodile | Espio the Chameleon | Charmy Bee | Rouge the Bat | Maria Robotnik | E-123 Omega
Black Doom y Doom's Eye (Devil Doom) | Cheese | Prof. Gerald Robotnik | Comandante de G.U.N. | Presidente | Secretario | Chao
Ark Missile Turret | Big Foot Type A | Big Foot Type B | Giga Trooper | Gold Beetle | Gun Beetle | Soldado de G.U.N. | GUN Trooper | Mono Beetle | Rocket Beetle | Spark Beetle
Black Arms
Black Assassin | Black Hawk | Black Oak | Black Volt | Black Warrior | Black Wing | Black Worm | Death Leech | Death Worm | Killer Plant | Sand Worm
Eggman Empire
Androide Shadow | Egg Bommer | Egg Pawn | Egg Pierrot | Jack Bommer
Artificial Chaos P-100 | Cell
Air Fleet | Black Comet | Central City | Circus Park | Cosmic Fall | Cryptic Castle | Death Ruins | Digital Circuit | Final Haunt | G.U.N. Fortress | Glyphic Canyon | Iron Jungle | Lava Shelter | Lethal Highway | Lost Impact | Mad Matrix | Prison Island | Sky Troops | Space Gadget | The ARK | The Doom | The Last Way | Westopolis
Black Bull | Heavy Dog | Egg Breaker | Blue Falcon | Black Doom | Diablon | Egg Dealer | Devil Doom
Movimientos y técnicas
Ataque telegrido | Chaos Blast | Control Caos | Flecha Caos | Jump Dash | Lanza Caos | Light Dash | Mid-Air Attack | Punch | Salto giratorio | Slide | Grinding | Crouch | Torbellino | Torbellino oscuro | Super Sonic Boost | Triangle Jump
AT4 | Black Barrel | Black Sword | Chain Gun | Egg Vacuum | Flash Shot | Grenade Launcher | Heal Cannon | Heavy Machine Gun | Omochao Gun | Pistol | RPG Launcher | Samurai Katana | Satellite Gun | Semi-Auto Rifle | Shadow Rifle | Submachine Gun | Worm Shooter
All Hail Shadow | Almost Dead | The Chosen One | Doc. Robeatnix Mix | I Am... All of Me | Never Turn Back | Tripod Baby | Vengeance is Mine | Waking Up | Who I Am
Actores de voz
Jason Anthonny Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) | Sean Schemmel (Black Doom) | Mike Pollock (Eggman, Gerald) | Amy Palant (Tails) | Dan Green (Knuckles) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy) | Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) | Rebecca Honig (Cream, Maria) | Carter Cathcart (Vector) | David Wills (Espio) | Amy Birnbaum (Charmy) | Jeff Kramer (Omega) | Andrew Rannells (Soldados de G.U.N.) | Marc Thompson (Comandante de G.U.N.) | Maddie Blaustein (Presidente) | Bella Hudson (Secretario)
Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Ryūzaburō Ōtomo (Black Doom) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman, Gerald) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Sayaka Aoki (Cream) | Yuri Shiratori (Maria) | Kenta Miyake (Vector) | Yūki Masuda (Espio) | Yōko Teppōzuka (Charmy) | Taiten Kusunoki (Omega) | Takashi Yoshida (Soldados de G.U.N.) | Banjō Ginga (Comandante de G.U.N.) | Yutaka Nakano (Presidente) | Junko Kitanishi (Secretario) | Ryō Hirohashi (Additional Chao)
Air Saucer | Black Comet | Bomb Unit | Caja de objetos (1-Up, Damage Recover, Heat Barrier, Invencibilidad, Magnetic Barrier, Super Ring) | Casa Blanca | Chaos Emerald | Cohete | Colonia Espacial ARK | Computadora Madre | Contenedor | Dron de Eggman | Expert Mode | Juego Flash | Ghost Rings | Goal Ring | Heal Unit | Heat Barrier | Lanza | Prison Island | Red Slime | Ring | Shooting Gallery
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción (Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Final) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Shadow the Hedgehog (Super Shadow) | Rouge the Bat | E-123 Omega | Silver the Hedgehog (Super Silver) | Blaze the Cat | Amy Rose
Acordeonista | Adriana | Alan | Alessio | Alfano | Ana | Antonio | Aristo | Berruni | Bishop | Claudia | Damas de Honor | Dante | Dr. Eggman | Duquesa de Soleanna | Duke of Soleanna | Elkan | Frances | Francesca | Galienna | Gina | Guardias Reales de Soleanna | Hatsun | Herman | Iblis | Liza | Lord Regis | Mancini | Mephiles the Dark (forma monstruosa de Mephiles) | Mikhail | Mónica | Nicolo | Paganini | Parr | Pele | Pietro | Pinto | Porta | Priest | Princesa Elise III | Prodi | Pucci | Puccini | Renzo | Alberto Robert | Roberta | Rossi | Sabrina | Sandro | Solaris | Soldado de G.U.N. | Solomon | Sonic Man | Sophia | Ken Williams | Zof
Robots del Dr. Eggman
Egg Armor | Egg Bomber | Egg Buster (Egg Gunner) Egg Cannon | Egg Chaser | Egg Commander | Egg Flyer | Egg Guardian | Egg Gunner | Egg Hunter | Egg Keeper | Egg Lancer | Egg Liner | Egg Rounder | Egg Searcher | Egg Stinger | Egg Sweeper | Egg Walker
Esbirros del Iblis
Gazer | Golem | Iblis Biter | Iblis Taker | Iblis Worm | Shadows | Stalker | Titan | Tricker
Wave Ocean | Dusty Desert | White Acropolis | Crisis City | Flame Core | Radical Train | Tropical Jungle | Kingdom Valley | Aquatic Base | End of the World
Egg Cerberus | Egg Genesis | Mephiles | Egg Wyvern | Shadow | Silver | Sonic | Solaris
Movimientos y técnicas
Arrow of Light | Accelerator Tornado | Attack | Blast Jump | Bomb | Bomb Snipe | Bound Jump | Chaos Attack | Chaos Boost (Chaos Blast, Chaos Lance, Chaos Snap) | Chaos Spear | Climb | Custom Action (Gun Drive, Homing Smash, Mach Speed, Scale, Slow, Thunder Guard, Tornado) | Crouch | Double Jump | Dummy Ring Blitz | Dummy Ring Bomb | Dummy Ring Snipe | Edge Attack | Fire Claw | Fly | Glide | Grab All | Ground Shaker | Hammer Attack | Heart Mine | Hold Smash | Homing Attack | Hover | Invincibility | Jump Dash | Levitate | Light Dash | Lock-On Shot | Omega Launcher | Omega Shot | Psychokinesis | Psycho Shock | Psycho Smash | Punch Attack | Screwdriver | Shield of Light | Sliding Attack | Spear of Light | Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Spin Kick | Spinning Claw | Teleport Dash | Turbo Boost | Wings of Light
Soleanna | Bosqué de Soleanna | Nueva Soleanna
Barril | Botón | Chaos Drive | Contenedor (Caja azul, Caja explosiva, Contenedor de Acero, Contenedor de Madera, Jaula) | Goal Ring | Item Box (Extra Life, Gauge Up, High Speed, Invincible, Rings) | Jump Panel | Light Core | Llave | Mechanical Ring | Manzana | Medalla | Point Marker | Polea | Rainbow Ring | Rings | Silver Sphere | Spring | Snowboard | Vid | Wide spring
Actores de voz
Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) | Pete Capella (Silver the Hedgehog) | Lacey Chabert (Elise) | Mike Pollock (Eggman, Narrador) | Amy Palant | (Tails, Damas de Honor) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy, Damas de Honor) | Bella Hudson (Blaze) | Dan Green (Knuckles, Mephiles, Científicos del Solaris Project) | Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) | Maddie Blaustein (Omega) | David Wills (Duke, Comunicador de G.U.N.)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Daisuke Ono (Silver) | Maaya Sakamoto (Elise) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) Kenji Utsumi (Narrador, Duke) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Hikari Yono (Damas de Honor) | Nao Takamori (Blaze) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Takayuki Sakazume (Mephiles) | Keiji Okuda (Científicos del Solaris Project, Comunicador de G.U.N.) | Yoshikazu Kozuma (Científicos del Solaris Project) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Taiten Kusunoki (Omega)
Águila | Action Gauge | Auto Running | Bicicleta | Carro de mina | Calesa | Chao in Space | Chaos Crush | Cilindro | Cinta Transportadora | Cuerda Bungee | Custom Shoes | Día del Desastre | Dummy Ring | Egg train | Esfera | Espejo de Soleanna | Ojo de Solaris | Explosion Trap | Festival del Sol | Glider | Hanging Bell | Havok | Health Gauge | Heart bomb | Hint Ring | Horizontal Bar | Hover Craft | Laser field | Lotus | Orb statue | Orbe morado | Orca | PK mark | Rainbow Gem | Rimlight | Scepter of Darkness | Solaris Project | Spotlight | Super-Speed Stage | Tienda | Tightrope | Tortuga | Wall Jump | Warp Hole | Wind switch
Artículo principal | Galería | Créditos | Transcripción (Héroes, Babylon)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Jet the Hawk | Wave the Swallow | Storm the Albatross | Amy Rose | Dr. Eggman | Shadow the Hedgehog | Rouge the Bat | Cream the Rabbit | E-10000G | E-10000R | Ulala | AiAi | NiGHTS | Omochao | Stolen | Padre de Jet | Babylon Guardian | E-10000Y
Metal City | Splash Canyon | Egg Factory | Green Cave | Sand Ruins | Babylon Garden
Night Chase | Red Canyon | Ice Factory | White Cave | Dark Desert | Sky Road | Babylon Guardian
Digital Dimension | Sega Carnival | Sega Illusion
Dual Towers | Snow Valley | Space Theater
Movimientos y técnicas
Air Boost | Air Riding | Air Slide | Attacks | Grinding | Tornado | Trick Action
Físicas y obstáculos
Acelerador | Air Pit | Raíl Automático | Barricada | Bomba | Catapulta | Dash Panel | Grind Rail | Trick Zone
Aire | Item Box (Aire, Explosión, High Speed, Invincible Barrier, Magnetic Barrier, Rings, Speed Down, Question Item)
Extreme Gears
Accelerator | Access | Advantage-F | Advantage-P | Advantage-S | Air Broom | Air Tank | Auto-Slider | BANANA | Beginner | Berserker | Blue Star | Blue Star II | Cannonball | Channel5 | Chaos Emerald | Cover-F | Cover-P | Cover-S | Darkness | Destroyer | E-gearG | E-gearR | E-Rider | Faster | Fastest | Gambler | Grinder | Hang-On | Heavy Bike | High Booster | Hovercraft | Legend | Light Board | Magic Carpet | Night Sky | Omnipotence | Opa Opa | Pink Rose | Power Gear | Powerful Gear | Red Rock | Rengoku | Slide Booster | Smile | Speed Balancer | Super Hang-On | Temptation | The Crazy | Trap Gear | Turbo Star | Type-J | Type-S | Type-W | Yellow Tail
Actores de voz
Jason Griffith (Sonic, Jet) | Amy Palant (Tails) | Dan Green (Knuckles, Storm) | Bella Hudson (Wave, Babylon Computer) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy) | Mike Pollock (Dr. Eggman) | Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) | Rebecca Honig (Cream) | Maddie Blaustein (E-10000G, E-10000R, Babylon Guardian) | Liza Jacqueline (Omochao) | Kaoru Morota (AiAi) | Apollo Smile (Ulala)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Daisuke Kishio (Jet) | Chie Nakamura (Wave, Babylon Computer) | Kenji Nomura (Storm, Babylon Guardian) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) | Kaoru Morota (AiAi) | Apollo Smile (Ulala)
Catch Me If You Can | Sonic Speed Riders
Speedbeats Grand Prix: Sonic Riders Original Soundtrack
Babylon Garden | Barco de los Babylon Rogues | Babylonians | Bashōsen | Chaos Emerald | Emerald Detector | EX World Grand Prix | Flight Type | Freeze | Llave al Babylon Garden | Mission Mode | Power Type | Speed Type | Tanque de Aire | Time Attack | Turbulencia
Artículo principal | Galería | Elementos beta | Créditos | Capítulos (Recepción Hostil, La Búsqueda de Knuckles, Eggcaza, Un Lobo en las Sombras, La Batalla por Angel Island, Sol de Agujero Negro, Búsqueda de las Chaos Emeralds, Sector Scylla, Sector Charybdis, Enfrentamiento Ciudadela)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Amy Rose | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Big the Cat | Knuckles the Echidna | Cream the Rabbit | Dr. Eggman | Shadow the Hedgehog | E-123 Omega | Shade the Echidna
Dexter | G.U.N. (Comandante) | Nocturnus Clan (Pir'Oth Ix (Super Pir'Ot Ix), Nestor, Gizoid, Emerl, Scylla, Charyb) | Knuckles Clan | Egg Bot | Swat Bot | Kron (Foreman Krag) | Zoah (Syrax, Raxos, Gentleman, Haniman, Telra) | N'rrgal (N'rrgal Queen) | Voxai (Thebes, Thelxe, Overmind) | Piratas de Twilight Cage | Precursores | Chao | Argus | Team Chaotix (Vector) | Dr. Madden | Sal | Croesus
Barbo | Cheezlet | Choo | Churdle | Ghise | Griff | Jirna | Knickt | Koolet | Korus | Oolean | Perty | Pyraz | Rugle | Seeri | Seggo | Stebsly | Stiglin | Velk | Zimba
Belgog | Bepke | Blayze | Bobo | Dusty | Fess | Gibber | Hayda | Joy | Kayla | Keroyo | Luunan | Oldarg | Radu | Zousar
Cheese | Choopaloo | Ferox | Ovus | Spartoi | Viral Chao (Baki, Farfinkle, Fimbley, Pooki, Stugs)
Green Hill Zone | Central City | Blue Ridge Zone | Mystic Ruins | Angel Island | Metropolis | Metropolis Ground Zero | Kron Colony | Twilight Cage | Zoah Colony | N'rrgal Colony | Voxai Colony Alpha | Voxai Colony Beta | Nocturne
Assault Drone | Assault Drone mk.II | Bomb Pawn | Colossal Worm | Dominated Voxai Citizen | Dragodon | Egg Bot | Enraged Armadillo | Giant Millipede | Giant Scorpion | Gizoid | Gizoid Centurions | Gizoid Guardian | Gizoid mk.II | Guardian Pawn | Guardian Pawn mk.II | Gun Pawn | Gun Pawn mk.II | Kron Warrior | Laser Drone | Laser Drone mk.II | Leucosia | Ligaia | Marauder Scout | Marauder Vet Scout | Nocturne Decurion | Nocturne Equites | Nocturne Hastatus | Nocturne High Praetorian | Nocturne Praetorian | Nocturne Princeps | Nocturne Triarius | Nocturnus Velite | Nrrgal Drone | Nrrgal Warrior | Power Pylon | Queen Wasp | Raptor Hawk | Riadne | Robodillo | Seeker Drone | Sentry Drone | Sentry mk.II | Shield Pawn | Shield Pawn mk.II | Swatbot | Swatbot mk.II | Voxai Conspirators | Wasp Swarm | Wild Boar | Zoah Brute
Movimientos POW
Axe Kick | Blue Bomber | Fastball | Hail Storm | Super Sonic* | Triple Tornado | Whirlwind *Solo con Super Sonic.
Blow Kiss | Flower Power | Low Blow | Spin Cycle | Tantrum | Tarot Draw
Adrenaline Rush | Flash Bang | Medi Bot | Scan | Shield Bot | Tinker
Distract | Jewel Storm | Plunder | Rising Knuckle | Shriek | Tornado Kick
Battering Ram | Feel No Pain | Froggy Poison | Froggy Rain | Lure Whip | Taunt
Hard Line | Knuckles Express | Knuckles Sandwich | Quake Punch | Revolver Slam | Uppercut
Cure | Demoralize | Heal | Refresh | Revive | Tough
Bombardment | Sabotage
Atomic Strike | Chaos Blast | Chaos Rift | Chaos Spear | Focus Field | Metal Storm
Beam Cannon | Blazing Tornado | Flamethrower | Machine Gunner | Temporal Field | Wrecking Ball
Blade Drop | Blade Rush | Cloak | Echidna Rush
Acid Spit | Air Shield | Bash | Blast | Buzz Saw | Buzz Swarm | Charging | Crippling Arc | Crusher | Cyclone | Drain Life | Evade | Feather Barrage | Full Auto | Full Power | Hellfire | Immunity | Leech Blade | Leech Wave | Lightning Shield | Lock-On | Mega Blaster | Overload | Parry | Phase | Poison Quill | Power Blast | Psi-Confuse | Psi-Dazzle | Psi-Slow | Psychic Wave | Quake | Regenerate | Regeneration | Rocket Volley | Roller Ball | Self Destruct | Shields Up | Shocker | Stasis Grenade | Super Bomb | Super Shot | Swallow | Tail Blast | Tail Swipe | Water Shield
Alloy Boots | Alloy Slippers | Angel Amulet | Blunt Claws | Boxing Gloves | Chao Print Dress | Cloth Gloves | Cursed Claws | Cursed Gloves | Dura-Hydraulics | Earth Ring | Economizer | Golden Gloves | Grapple Claws | Gritty Gloves | Ice Ring | Immunity Idol | Iron Claws | Iron Hydraulics | Kron Hammer | Light Boots | Light Sneakers | Lightning Ring | Lucky Gloves | Master Hydraulics | Mirror Gloves | Nimble Slippers | Nocturne Blade | Oily Hydraulics | Polymer Gloves | Power Gloves | Pretty Dress | Refresher | Replenisher | Rubber Gloves | Rusty Hydraulics | Serrated Claws | Shielded Sneakers | Sparkly Gloves | Speedy Sneakers | Spiked Slippers | Spiked Sneakers | Spiny Claws | Spooky Charm | Steel Toe Boots | Stiff Sneakers | Swift Boots | Titanium Claws | Tough Slippers | Voxai Teleporter | Water Ring | Wind Ring | Work Boots | Work Gloves | Zoah Shield
Antidote | Bug Spray | Clover Juice | Crazy Beans | Cure All Spray | Health Leaf | Health Root | Health Seed | Immunity Booster | Iron Tonic | Med Emitter | POW Candy | POW Drink | POW Gum | Prune Juice | Psychic Water | Revival Ring | Refresher Wave | Ring of Life | Rock Salt | Speed Bar
Beam Cannon | Chaos Emerald 1 | Chaos Emerald 2 | Chaos Emerald 3 | Chaos Emerald 4 | Chaos Emerald 5 | Chaos Emerald 6 | Chaos Emerald 7 | Comunicador | Eggman Detector | Eggman Device | GUN Official | Little Boy | Nocturnus Tech | Pattern Generator | Precursor Tablet | Prized Stapler | Timothy | Weapon Part
Argus Event | Armor Piercing | Blast | Blue Cyclone | Burbujas de Aire | Chao Egg | Estadísticas de combate | Dimensional Buffer | Experience Point | Full Auto | Great Emeralds | Health Gauge | Item Theft | Leech | Interacción de Tiempo Real | Robotización | Shuttle loop | South Island | Tornado | Twilight Conference | Warp Belt | Warp Hole | West Side Island
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripciones (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Metal Sonic, Espio, Rouge) | Créditos
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog | Metal Sonic | Silver the Hedgehog | Espio the Chameleon
Team Chaotix (Vector the Crocodile) | Dr. Eggman | Dr. Eggman Nega | Ifrit | Fantasma Imitador | Metal Sonic 3.0
Blue Coast Zone | Sunset Forest Zone | Neon Palace Zone | Frontier Canyon Zone | Mystic Haunt Zone | Chaotic Inferno Zone
Capture the Chao | King of the Hill | Knock Out | Laps Race | Ring Battle | Tag
Bombat | Cannon Flapper | Egg Pawn | Guardon Crab | Hyudoro
Egg Liner | Egg Crawler | Egg Dealer | Egg Bull | Egg Phantom | Ifrit
Movimientos y técnicas
Air Boost | Grinding | Homing Attack | Speed Boost | Spin Dash | Spin Jump
Bat Guard | Chaos Control | Chroma Camo | Copycat | ESP | Knuckle Slam | Sonic Boom | Tail Copter
Físicas y obstáculos
Ala Delta | Bingo | Boost Object | Boost Ring | Botón | Cañón | Carro de mina | Cuerda Bungee | Dash Panel | Flipper | Grind Rail | Jump Panel (Placa, Rampa) | Manantial | Máquina tragamonedas | Picos | Poste de Spring | Spring | Tubo de Urdimbre de Alta Velocidad | Warp Hole
Barril | Caja movible | Contenedor (Madera) | Potenciador (Imán) | Ring | Traje
Actores de voz
Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) | Amy Palant (Tails) | Pete Capella (Silver) | David Wills (Espio) | Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) | Dan Green (Knuckles), (Vector) | Mike Pollock (Dr. Eggman), (Eggman Nega)
Race To Win
Chaos Emerald | Congelar | Detector de Esmeraldas | Master Emerald | Interacción de Tiempo Real | Shuttle loop | Signature Meter | Winding Tunnel
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripciones (Consola/PC, 3DS) | Elementos beta | Créditos (Consola/PC, 3DS) | Glitches
Modern Sonic (Modern Super Sonic) | Classic Sonic (Classic Super Sonic)
Modern Eggman | Classic Eggman | Time Eater | Modern Tails | Classic Tails | Classic Metal Sonic | Amy Rose | Knuckles the Echidna | Shadow the Hedgehog | Cream the Rabbit | Cheese | Silver the Hedgehog | Blaze the Cat | Omochao | Team Chaotix (Espio the Chameleon, Vector the Crocodile, Charmy Bee) | Orbot | Cubot | Animales (Flicky, Picky, Pecky, Cucky)
Cian** | Naranja* | Rosa* | Rojo**
Green Hill | Chemical Plant | Sky Sanctuary | Speed Highway | City Escape | Seaside Hill | Crisis City | Rooftop Run | Planet Wisp | Casino Night
Nintendo 3DS**
Green Hill | Casino Night | Mushroom Hill | Emerald Coast | Radical Highway | Water Palace | Tropical Resort
Aero-Cannon* | Butterdroid** | Buzz Bomber | Buzzer | Chopper | Cop Speeder* | Crabmeat | Crawl** | Dragonfly** | Flapper** | Egg Chaser* | Egg Diver** | Egg Fighter* | Egg Fighter: Sword* | Egg Launcher (H)* | Egg Launcher (H+V)* | Egg Launcher (V)* | Egg Pawn | Egg Pawn (lanza) | Eggrobo* | Esbirros del Iblis (Iblis Biter, Iblis Taker, Iblis Worm)* | Giant Chopper* | Gold Beetle** | Grabber* | Gun Beetle* | Gun Hunter | Kiki** | Klagen** | Madmole** | Mono Beetle | Moto Bug | Mushmeanie** | Newtron | Rhinotank** | Sand Worm* | Spinner | Spiny* | Sprinkler* | Sweeper** | Thunder Spinner
Metal Sonic | Death Egg Robot | Shadow the Hedgehog | Perfect Chaos | Silver the Hedgehog | Egg Dragoon | Time Eater
Nintendo 3DS**
Metal Sonic | Big Arm | Shadow the Hedgehog | Biolizard | Silver the Hedgehog | Egg Emperor | Time Eater
Movimientos y técnicas
Personajes jugables
Air Boost | Bound Jump* | Crouch | Double Jump* | Drift* | Freestyle Tricks* | Grind Step | Grinding | Homing Attack | Hop | Jump Dash | Kick boost | Lightspeed Dash* | Mid-Air Dash* | Quick Step* | Boost | Slide | Skydiving* | Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Stomp | Super Sonic Boost | Super Sonic Missile | Super Sonic Spinning | Wall Jump
Chaos Spear | Drill Attack* | Fire Beam* | Heart Effect* | Ice Wave* | Meteor Smash* | Ninja Arts: Camouflage* | Propeller Flying* | Psychic Knife | Restraint Trap | Ring Spark Field | Sun Burst | V. Maximum Overdrive Attack | Warping arm attack | Whirlwind*
Aqua Shield | Flame Shield | Thunder Shield | Twin Spin Attack | Invincible Start | Shield | Power Sneakers | Long Spin Dash | Treasure Scanner | Homing Attack | Hercules Muscles | Breath Holder | Boardmaster | Ring Time | Blast Off | Speed Up | Direct Jump | Power Stomp | Quick Slide | Acceleration | Smasher Bonus | Ring Energy Bonus | Boost Gauge Up | Serial Homing | Auto-Gauge | Gauge Rebooter | Trick Mastery | Endless Boost | Power Brake | Sure-Footed | Safety Net | Last Chance | 10-Second Rings | Atletismo | Time Break | Super Sonic | Sega Genesis Controller
Físicas y obstáculos
Balancín | Barril | Bola de hierro | Bomba | Bomba Dimensional | | Bonus Bell* | Botón | Bumper | Caja movible | Campo Láser | Cañón | Carro | Catapulta de Spring | Cinta Transportadora** | Cohete | Dash Panel | Dash Rail | Dash Ring | Explosion Trap | Ventilador | Flipper | Cañón de Cuatro Rieles* | Gear Platform | Globo | Góndola* | Gran Globo | GUN Military Truck* | Hanging Bell* | Heart bomb* | Hélice | Hélice de Semilla** | Hélice de Spring | Helicóptero* | Hongo** | Horizontal Bar | Jump Panel (Placa, Rampa) | Kao | Máquina tragamonedas | Meteorito | Nube* | Plataforma Giratoria | Polea | Poste de Elevador | Poste de Spring | Prisma** | Pozo sin fondo | Prensa | Rainbow Ring | Route Signal* | Spring | Spring Amplio | Spike Trap | Spinning Top | Spotlight | Tirolina | Trap Spring | Tubo de Urdimbre de Alta Velocidad | Wall Jump Block | Warp Point
Boss Gate | Burbujas de Aire | Boss Gate Key* | Buoy | Capsule | Cápsula de Wisp | Chaos Emerald | Contenedor (Spike Block*, Contenedor de Acero, Contenedor de Madera, Contenedor Irrompible, Vitral) | Energy Core | Esfera** | Goal Ring | Information Pod* | Item Box/Monitor (1-Up, Aqua Shield*, Flame Shield*, Invincible, Power Sneakers*, Patineta*, Super Ring, Thunder Shield) | Manivela | Medalla | Mega Mack* | Nota musical* | Red Star Ring* | Ring | Snowboard | Star Post | Stomping Shoes** | Time Bonus
Actores de voz
Roger Craig Smith (Modern Sonic) | Mike Pollock (Modern Eggman, Classic Eggman) | Kate Higgins (Modern Tails, Classic Tails) | Travis Willingham (Knuckles) | Cindy Robinson (Amy) | Kirk Thornton (Shadow) | Quinton Flynn (Silver) | Laura Bailey (Omochao, Blaze) | Karen Strassman (Rouge) | Michelle Ruff (Cream) | Keith Silverstein (Vector) | Troy Baker (Espio) | Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Charmy)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Modern Sonic) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Modern Eggman, Classic Eggman) | Ryō Hirohashi (Modern Tails) | Takuto Yoshinaga (Classic Tails) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Daisuke Ono (Silver) | Nao Takamori (Blaze) | Sayaka Aoki (Cream) | Kenta Miyake (Vector) | Yūki Masuda (Espio) | Yōko Teppōzuka (Charmy) | Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao)
Jonatán López (Modern Sonic) | Graciela Molina (Modern Tails, Classic Tails, Charmy) | Francesc Belda (Modern Eggman, Classic Eggman) | Sergio Mesa (Knuckles) | Meritxell Ribera (Amy) | Geni Rey (Cream) | Alfonso Vallés (Vector) | Dani Albiac (Espio) | Manuel Gimeno (Shadow) | Ana Vidal (Rouge) | Ángel De Gracia (Silver) | Carmen Ambrós (Blaze) | Sofía Gracia (Omochao)
Back 2 Back | Escape from the City* | Vengeance is Mine** | You're My Hero
Blue Blur: Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack | Sonic Generations: 20 Years of Sonic Music | History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack Blue Edition | History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack White Edition
Cumpleaños de Sonic | Boost Gauge | Chao in Space | Collection Room | Combo* | Giro de sacacorchos | Death Egg Robot* | Egg Dragoon* | Egg Gun | Egg Mobile (Mundo de Classic Sonic) | Egg Spear | Espacio Blanco | Havok* | Health Gauge** | Guarida del Time Eater | Miles Electric | Orca | Perfect Bonus | Rangos | Skill Shop* | Sonic Generations (manga) | Sonic Generations of Skate | Statue Room* | Time Attack | Tornado-1 | Tótem | Winding Tunnel | Wisp Gauge**
*Exclusivo de la versión de consola/PC del juego. **Exclusivo de la versión de Nintendo 3DS del juego.
Artículos principales (Sonic the Hedgehog, Blue Sphere) | Galería | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches | Relanzamientos (2005 | GBA | iPod | 2013, 3D, Sega Ages)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic*) | Miles "Tails" Prower* (Super Tails*) | Knuckles the Echidna* (Super Knuckles*)
Dr. Robotnik | Animales (Flicky, Pocky, Pecky, Cucky, Ricky, Picky, Rocky)
Green Hill Zone | Marble Zone | Spring Yard Zone | Labyrinth Zone | Star Light Zone | Scrap Brain Zone | Final Zone | Special Stages
Ball Hog | Bat Brain | Bomb | Burrobot | Buzz Bomber | Chopper | Caterkiller | Crabmeat | Jaws | Moto Bug | Newtron | Orbinaut (Unidasu, Uni Uni) | Roller | Spikes | Splats
Egg Mobile-H | Bola de Fuego | Púa | Retirada | Lanzaminas | Final Zone
Movimientos y técnicas
Climb* | Glide* | Propeller Flying* | Spin Attack | Spin Dash* | Spin Jump
Bonus Points | Botón | Burbujas de Aire | Bumper | Capsule | Continue | Giant Ring | Goal | Goal Plate | Jump Stand | Monitor (1-Up, Invincible, Power Sneakers, S*, Shield, Super Ring) | Reverse | Ring | Spring | Star Post | Up and Down
Balancín | Bola de picos | Bomba | Cañón de Bolas de Fuego | Chaos Emerald | Cinta Transportadora | Color Block | Cómic promocional | Debug Mode | Elevador de Alta Velocidad | Fire Statue | Generador eléctrico | Lanza | Madonna | Original Soundtrack | Picos | Plataforma Rotante | Prensa | Shuttle loop | South Island | Story Comic | Tótem | Volante | Winding Tunnel
*Exclusivo del relanzamiento del 2013.
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Dr. Eggman | Orbot | Cubot | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Mortíferos Seis (Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Maestro Zik, Zeena, Zor) | Yacker* | Animales (Flicky, Picky, Chirps, Pecky, Ricky, Rocky) | Omochao* | NiGHTS^ | Yoshi^
Windy Hill | Desert Ruins | Tropical Coast | Frozen Factory | Silent Forest | Sky Road | Lava Mountain | Hidden World* | Special Stage** | Nightmare Zone^ | Yoshi's Island Zone^ | The Legend of Zelda Zone^
Antilon | Anton* | Balkiry | Ball Hog* | Bat Brain | Blaster* | Bomb* | Boo* | Burrobot* | Buzz Bomber | Caterkiller | Chopper* | Clucker | Cluckoid* | Coconuts* | Crabmeat* | Crawl | Crawlton | Dragonfly* | E-06 Bladed Spinner** | Egg Pawn | Gohla** | Grabber | Jaws** | Madmole* | Moto Bug | Mushmeanie* | Nebula* | Newtron** | Octus* | Orbinaut* (Uni-Uni*, Unidus*) | Pata-Bata* | Penguinator | Sandworm | Slicer | Snale Blaster* | Spider* | Spiker* | Spikes* | Turtloid*
Cactus | Sandworm | Sheep* | Surprise Crocodiles*
Zazz | Zomom | Maestro Zik | Zeena | Zor | Zavok | Mortíferos Seis | Eggrobo
Movimientos y técnicas
Somersault Kick** | Wall Climb** | Wall Jump** | Wall Run | Vault Dash*
Bounce Attack** | Charged Dash** | Flying Kick* | Focused Homing Attack | Grinding | Homing Attack | Run | Sky Dive | Spin Dash | Spin Jump
Blanco* | Cian | Amarillo | Índigo | Carmesí* | Magenta* | Verde* | Negro*^ | Rojo** | Marfil** | Gris**
Poderes de Color
Cyan Laser | Yellow Drill | Indigo Asteroid | Crimson Eagle* | Magenta Rhythm* | Green Hover* | Black Bomb*^ | Red Burst** | Ivory Lightning** | Gray Quake**
RC Vehicles
Helicopter RC Vehicle | Fighter Jet RC Vehicle | Stealth Jet RC Vehicle | Hovercraft RC Vehicle | UFO RC Vehicle | Balloon RC Vehicle | Omochao RC Vehicle
Green Material** | Yellow Material** | Blue Material** | White Material** | Iron Material** | Black Material** | Red Material** | Bronze Material** | Silver Material** | Gold Material**
Actores de voz
Roger Craig Smith (Sonic) | Mike Pollock (Eggman) | Kate Higgins (Tails) | Travis Willingham (Knuckles, Zavok) | Cindy Robinson (Amy) | Kirk Thornton (Orbot, Maestro Zik) | Wally Wingert (Cubot) | Liam O'Brien (Zazz) | Patrick Seitz (Zomom) | Stephanie Sheh (Zeena) | Sam Riegel (Zor)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Mitsuo Iwata (Orbot) | Wataru Takagi (Cubot) | Jōji Nakata (Zavok) | Yutaka Aoyama (Zazz) | Yumi Tōma (Zeena) | Mugihito (Maestro Zik) | Chafūrin (Zomom) | Yūki Tai (Zor)
Jonatán López (Sonic) | Francesc Belda (Eggman) | Graciela Molina (Tails) | Sergio Mesa (Knuckles) | Meritxell Ribera (Amy, Zeena) | Albert Vilcan (Orbot) | Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu (Cubot) | Miguel Ángel Jenner (Zavok) | Rafael Parra (Zazz) | Rafael Turia (Maestro Zik) | Santi Lorenz (Zomom) | Ivan Labanda (Zor)
Aqua Shield* | Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Halloween Comic Fest 2013 | Asteroid Ring | Auto Running* | Bola de nieve | Bonus Points | Campana* | Carro de mina | Chaos Emerald | Cinta Transportadora* | Caracola Cacofónica | Cañón* | Casino Tokens* | Countdown Numbers* | Dash Panel | Esfera** | Extractor | Flame Shield* | Flipper | Globo* | Freezing Machine** | Havok | Héxagon | Laboratorio de Tails** | Máquina tragamonedas* | Miles Electric | Moon Mech | Pinball Shooter* | Prisma | Thunder Shield* | Time Attack* | Tótem | Truffle Cannon* | Virtual Hedgehog* | Volante** | Windmill* | Wisp Away* | Without Boundaries: Sonic Lost World Original Soundtrack
*Exclusivo de la versión de Wii U. **Exclusivo de la versión de 3DS. ^Contenido descargable.
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Elementos beta | Créditos
Modern Sonic (Modern Super Sonic) | Classic Sonic (Classic Super Sonic) | Avatar | Shadow the Hedgehog (Episodio Shadow)
Resistencia (Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose, Chaotix (Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, Charmy Bee), Silver the Hedgehog, Team Dark (Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, E-123 Omega)) | Dr. Eggman | Infinite | Orbot | Cubot | Réplicas (Chaos, Egg Pawn, Infinite, Metal Sonic, E-123 Omega, Rouge the Bat, Shadow the Hedgehog, Zavok) | Animales (Cucky, Flicky, Pecky, Picky, Pocky, Ricky, Rocky)
Amarillo | Azul | Blanco | Índigo | Marfil | Rojo | Verde | Violeta
Regiones del Mapa Mundial
Chemical Plant | City | Death Egg | Fortaleza del Eggman Empire | Green Hill | Metropolis | Mystic Jungle
Lost Valley | Spaceport | Ghost Town | Prison Hall | VS. Zavok | Egg Gate | Arsenal Pyramid | Luminous Forest | VS. Infinite | Green Hill | VS. Eggman | Park Avenue | Casino Forest | Aqua Road | Sunset Heights | Capital City | VS. Infinite | Chemical Plant | Red Gate Bridge | Guardian Rock | Network Terminal | Death Egg | Metropolitan Highway | Null Space | Imperial Tower | Mortar Canyon | VS. Infinite | Iron Fortress | Final Judgement | VS. Death Egg Robot
Episodio Shadow
Enemy Territory | Eggman's Facility | Virtual Reality
Fire Cannon 1 | Vanish Panel 1 | Bomb Block 1 | Plasma Cannon 1 | Laser Cannon 1 | Reverse Block 1
Flying Pod | Bomb Block 2 | Laser Cannon 2 | Reverse Block 2 | Vanish Panel 2 | Fire Cannon 2 | Plasma Cannon 2
Aero-Chaser | Buzz Bomber | Chopper | Egg Pawn | Egg Tank | Egg Walker | Galaga Bee | Moto Bug | Missile Pod | Nebula | Sandworm | Sprinkler | Valkeen
VS. Zavok | VS. Infinite | VS. Eggman | VS. Metal Sonic | VS. Death Egg Robot
Movimientos y técnicas
Air Boost | Boost | Crouch | Double Boost | Double Jump | Drop Dash | Grind Step | Grinding | Homing Attack | Side Step/Cartwheel | Skydiving | Slide | Super Sonic Boost | Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Stomp | Triple Boost | Wall Jump | Wire Attack
Físicas y obstáculos
Bola de picos | Bumper | Catapulta | Cinta Transportadora | Dash Panel | Dash Rail | Dash Ring | Flipper | Generador eléctrico | Globo | Goal | Goal Plate | Grind Rail | Hint Ring | Lista de obstáculos de pinball | Máquina tragamonedas | Picos | Pinball Shooter | Polea | Poste de Spring | Rampa | Rainbow Ring | Ring Shooter | Spring | Spring ancho | Star Post | Tirolina | Tubo de Urdimbre de Alta Velocidad | Ventilador | Volante | Wire Target
Burbujas de Aire | Blue Ring | Capsule | Contenedor | Costume | Medallón | Meteorito | Monitores (Invincibility, Power Sneakers, Shield, Super Ring) | Number Ring | Red Star Ring | Ring | Silver Moon Ring | Wisp Capsule
Asteroide | Ardor | Cubo | Taladro | Planeador | Relámpago | Vacío
Fist Bump | Infinite | Fighting Onward | Nowhere to Run | Justice | Moonlight Battlefield | Virtual Enemies | Set in Motion | Fading World | The Light of Hope | Rhythm And Balance | Supporting Me
Sonic Forces Original Soundtrack - A Hero Will Rise | Sonic Forces Vocal Traxx - On The Edge | Sonic Forces Hi-Res Collection | Sonic Forces Original Soundtrack The Vinyl Cutz
Actores de voz
Roger Craig Smith (Sonic) | Mike Pollock (Dr. Eggman) | Liam O'Brien (Infinite) | Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Tails, Charmy) | Travis Willingham (Knuckles, Zavok) | Cindy Robinson (Amy) | Kirk Thornton (Shadow, Orbot) | Karen Strassman (Rouge) | Vic Mignogna (Omega) | Quinton Flynn (Silver) | Keith Silverstein (Vector) | Matthew Mercer (Espio) | Wally Wingert (Cubot)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kotaro Nakamura (Dr. Eggman) | Takashi Kondō (Infinite) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Taiten Kusunoki (Omega) | Daisuke Ono (Silver) | Kenta Miyake (Vector) | Yūki Masuda (Espio) | Yōko Teppōzuka (Charmy) | Jōji Nakata (Zavok) | Mitsuo Iwata (Orbot) | Wataru Takagi (Cubot) | Fumihiko Tachiki (Narrador)
Ángel De Gracia (Sonic) | Francesc Belda (Dr. Eggman) | Jordi Salas (Infinite) | Graciela Molina (Tails, Charmy) | Sergio Mesa (Knuckles) | Meritxell Ribera (Amy) | Manuel Gimeno (Shadow, Soldado) | Ana Vidal (Rouge) | ¿? (Omega) | Masumi Mutsuda (Silver, Soldado) | Alfonso Vallés (Vector, Soldado) | Dani Albiac (Espio) | Miguel Ángel Jenner (Zavok) | Alberto Vilar (Orbot, Soldado) | Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu (Cubot)
Boost Gauge | Chaos Control | Challenge Mission | Cuartel General de la Resistencia | Daily Mission | Death Crab | Death Egg Robot | Death Egg Robot sentinela | Death Queen | Egg Dragoon | Egg Mobile | Eggman Army | Eggman Empire | Eggman Fleet | Experiencia | Guerra para Recuperar el Planeta | Habilidades | Health Gauge | Interacción de Tiempo Real | Jackal Squad | Mega Mack | Miles Electric | Operation Big Wave | Phantom Ruby | Prototipo del Phantom Ruby | Réplica | Sandworm | Sonic Forces (cómic digital) (Momento de la Verdad, Prueba de Estrés, Sombra que se Avecina, El Ascenso de Infinite) | Sonic Forces: Speed Battle | SOS Mission | Time Over | Winding Tunnel | Wisp Gauge
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Créditos | Elementos beta
Team Sonic
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna
Team Rose
Amy Rose | Chao (Dark Chao, Hero Chao, Neutral Chao, Omochao) | Big the Cat
Team Vector
Blaze the Cat | Silver the Hedgehog | Vector the Crocodile
Team Dark
Shadow the Hedgehog | Rouge the Bat | E-123 Omega
Team Eggman
Metal Sonic | Dr. Eggman | Zavok | Eggpawn | Monster machine
Boo | Boom Boo | Buzzer | Chopper | Crabmeat | Cubot | Dodon Pa | Egg Squid | Froggy | King Boom Boo | Mother Wisp | Orbot | Orca | Sandworm
Black | Blue | Crimson | Cyan | Ivory | Jade | Magenta | Orange | Pink | Gray | Red | Violet | White | Yellow
Actores de voz
Roger Craig Smith (Sonic, Comentarista) | Mike Pollock (Dr. Eggman) | Kyle Hebert (Big, Dodon Pa) | Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Tails) | Dave B. Mitchell (Knuckles) | Patrick Seitz (Zavok) | Cindy Robinson (Amy) | Kirk Thornton (Shadow, Orbot) | Karen Strassman (Rouge) | Aaron LaPlante (Omega) | Bryce Papenbrook (Silver) | Erica Lindbeck (Blaze, Omochao) | Keith Silverstein (Vector) | Wally Wingert (Cubot)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kotaro Nakamura (Dr. Eggman) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Taiten Kusunoki (Omega) | Takashi Nagasako (Big) | Daisuke Ono (Silver) | Nao Takamori (Blaze) | Kenta Miyake (Vector) | Jōji Nakata (Zavok) | Mitsuo Iwata (Orbot) | Wataru Takagi (Cubot) | Fumihiko Tachiki (Comentarista) | Katsuhisa Hōki (Dodon Pa)
Ángel De Gracia (Sonic) | Francesc Belda (Dr. Eggman) | Graciela Molina (Tails) | Sergio Mesa (Knuckles) | Meritxell Ribera (Amy) | Manuel Gimeno (Shadow) | Ana Vidal (Rouge) | ¿? (Omega) | Carmen Ambrós (Blaze) | Masumi Mutsuda (Silver) | Alfonso Vallés (Vector) | Miguel Ángel Jenner (Zavok) | Sofía García (Omochao) | Albert Vilcan (Orbot) | Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu (Cubot) | Juan Carlos Gustems (Comentarista) | Rafael Turia (Dodon Pa)
Planet Wisp
Wisp Circuit | Mother's Canyon | Doctor's Mine
Seaside Hill
Ocean View | Lost Palace | Whale Lagoon
Ice Mountain | Frozen Junkyard | Hidden Volcano
Casino Park
Roulette Road | Bingo Party | Pinball Highway
Sand Road | Boo's House | Clockwork Pyramid
Rooftop Run
Market Street | Sky Road | Haunted Castle
Final Fortress
Thunder Deck | Dark Arsenal | Turbine Loop
Boost Race | Daredevil | Destruction | Eggpawn Assault | Grand Prix | King of the Hill | Lightning Race | Ring Challenge | Rocket Race | Showdown Race | Survival Race | Team Boost Race | Team Grand Prix | Team King of the Hill | Team Lightning Race | Team Race | Team Rocket Race | Team Vampire Race | Time Trial | Traffic Attack | Vampire Race
Movimientos y técnicas
Drift | Item Box Transfer | Radial Burst | Rival Takedown | Skim Boost | Slingshot | Start Line Boost | Stunt | Team Ultimate
Color Powers
Black Bomb | Cubo Azul | Crimson Eagle | Láser Cian | Gray Quake | Ivory Lightning | Espectro Jade | Ritmo Magenta | Cohete Naranja | Pincho Rosa | Ardor Rojo | Vacío Violeta | Taladro Amarillo
Potenciadores y obstáculos
Boost Pad | Kao | Spring | Wide spring
Bonus Box | Credit | Item Box (Invincibility) | Llave | Medalla | Mod (Car Cosmetic (Horn, Paint Kit, Vinyl), Performance Part) | Mod Pod | Ring | Star Post
Beat Monster | Chao Pod | Cross Dozer | Dark Reaper | Egg Booster | Formula M | Frog Cruiser | Land Breaker | Lightron | Lip Spyder | Pink Cabriolet | Road Dragoon | Royal Chariot | Speed Star | Whirlwind Sport
Green Light Ride
Maximum Overdrive - Team Sonic Racing Original Soundtrack | Team Sonic Racing Trailer Music Selection
Death Egg Robot sentinel | Donpa Kingdom | Donpa Motors | Egg Squid | Orca | Power-Type | Sonic Racing | Speed-Type | Team Sonic Racing: Overdrive (Dangerous Distractions, Eyes on the Prize, The Complete Race) | Technique-Type | Ultimate Meter | Team Sonic Racing One-Shot | Team Sonic Racing Plus Deluxe Turbo Championship Edition One-shot | Ultimate Energy Engine | Ultimate Team Energy