Gamigami (ガミガミ) es un enemigo cangrejo robótico que se encuentra en Neo Green Hill Zone de Sonic Advance .
Descripción [ ]
Tiene cierto parecido con los Crabmeat que aparecieron en Sonic the Hedgehog . Este enemigo se mueve por el escenario y cuando se detiene, dispara bolas de energía.
Artículo principal | Galería | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Dr. Eggman | Chao | Gold Chao
Buzzer | Drisame | E-02 Rhinotank | E-04 Leon | GamiGami | Hanabii | Kero-Kero | Kiki | Kura | Mirror | Mogu | Oct | Pen | Pierrot | Senbon | Slot | Tentou | Wamu | Yukimaru
Neo Green Hill Zone | Secret Base Zone | Casino Paradise Zone | Ice Mountain Zone | Angel Island Zone | Egg Rocket Zone | Cosmic Angel Zone | X-Zone | The Moon Zone | Special Stage
Egg Hammer Tank | Egg Press | Egg Ball | Egg Spider | Mecha Knuckles | Egg Snake | Egg Mobile-H | Egg Mobile-D | EGG X | Super Egg Robot
Movimientos y técnicas
Climb | Glide | Hammer Attack | Hammer Jump | Hammer Whirl | Jump Dash | Leap | Insta-Shield | Jump Attack | Propeller Flying | Skid Attack | Spin Attack | Spin Dash | Super Sonic Boost | Somersault | Tail Swipe
Box (? Ring , 5 Rings Bonus , 10 Rings , Barrier , Blind , Brake , Confusion , Extra Life , Invincible , Magnetic Barrier , Speed Boots , Transparency , Warp ) | Capsule | Checkpoint | Continue | Ring
Barril | Bumper wall | Continue | Luna | Polea | Shuttle loop | Time Attack | Tiny Chao Garden | Time Over | Tirolina | Tornado | Trick Point | Winding Tunnel