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Todos los artículos (403)
- Agente Stone
- AiAi
- Akhlut
- Alan Quail
- Albert Butler
- Alex Kidd
- Alexander Acorn
- Alexis
- Ali Baba
- Amadeus Prower
- Amigo
- Andy Pandatelly
- Anti Rob O' the Hedge
- Antoine D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)
- Antonio
- Archimedes
- Argyle the Crocodile
- Ari the Ram
- Armand D'Coolette
- Asesor del presidente
- Asistente del Professor Pickle
- Augustus the Polar Bear
- Babylon Guardian
- Badnik Tails
- Bandanna Ghost y Bow Tie Ghost
- Bark the Polar Bear
- Bartleby
- Bass
- Bean the Dynamite
- Bearenger
- Beat (Jet Set Radio)
- Beat (Mega Man)
- Becky
- Ben Muttski
- Billy Hatcher
- Bimmy
- Black Death (Black Arms)
- Black Death (Gato)
- Blacksmith
- Boomer Walrus
- Boss
- Bow Sparrow
- Bowser
- Buen Robotnik
- Byron
- Capataz Fred
- Capitán Westwood
- Captain Plunder
- Captain Rescue
- Catweazle
- Chaos
- Chaos Shadow
- Charles
- Charmy Bee
- Charmy Bee (Sonic X)
- Cheese
- Chef Woody
- Christopher Thorndyke
- Chuck (Sonic Underground)
- Chuck Thorndyke
- Chun
- Cliff
- Colin Kintobor
- Comandante de G.U.N.
- Comandante Walters
- Cyrus
- Danny
- Dark Oak
- Dark Shadow
- Darkspine Sonic
- Dave
- Dave el Becario
- David
- Def Big
- Diesel
- Dimitri the Echidna
- Dimitri the Echidna (Light Mobius)
- Dingo
- Doctor Eggman (Sonic Boom)
- Doctor Eggman Nega
- Doctor Finitevus
- Doctor Fukurokov
- Doctor Ivo Kintobor
- Doctor Ivo Robotnik (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)
- Doctor Niven
- Doctor Ovi Kintobor
- Doctor Thomas Light
- Doctor Wily
- Dodon Pa
- Dr. Quack
- Drago Wolf
- Duke of Soleanna
- Duke of Velcronia
- Dylan
- Kaeo
- Kage Von Stryker
- Kanewisher
- King Arthur
- King Bee
- King Maxx
- Knecapeon "Kneecaps" Mace the Echidna
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Knuckles the Echidna (Archie)
- Knuckles the Echidna (OVA)
- Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)
- Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic Boom)
- Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic Underground)
- Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic X)
- Knuckson
- Kofi
- Kragok
- Kwami
- Kwod