Artículos principales (16 bits, 8 bits) | Galerías (16 bits, 8 bits) | Elementos beta (16 bits) | Créditos (16 bits, 8 bits) | Glitches (16 bits, 8 bits)
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Dr. Robotnik | Animales (Flicky, Pocky, Pecky, Cucky, Ricky, Picky, Rocky) | Knothole Freedom Fighters (Sally, Bunny, Rotor, Muttski)* | Hip y Hop
Buster | Buzz Bomber* | Cluckbird | Clucker* | Crawl* | Ferron | Gusano de magma | Krondor | Rexxon | Robocabeza | Scratch*
Cavernas tóxicas* | Piscinas tóxicas** | Central de lava | La máquina | El momento decisivo* | El encuentro final** | Etapas especiales (16 bits*, 8 bits**)
Scorpius* | Jefe de las piscinas tóxicas** | Calderas robóticas | Veg-O-Machine | Nave de Robotnik* | Jefe del encuentro final**
Movimientos y técnicas
Salto | Spin Attack | Supercarrera y giro
Aleta | Anillo | Barril* | Blanco a derribar | Bonus Gate | Bumper | Cápsula | Carro de mina* | Catapulta de Spring | Esmeralda del caos | Franja de estado | Globo* | Item Box** (1-Up, Continuación) | Drain Bumper | Monte Mobius | Planeta Mobius | Sewer Warp | Sonic the Hedgehog Boom | Tornado | Tubo de Urdimbre de Alta Velocidad | Veg-O-Fortress
*Exclusivo de la versión de 16 bits del juego. **Exclusivo de la versión de 8 bits del juego.
Artículo principal | Galerías (Adventure, DX, 2010) | Transcripciones (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches | Relanzamientos (DX, 2010)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | E-102 Gamma | Big the Cat | Metal Sonic*
Dr. Eggman | E-101 Beta (E-101 Mark II) | Chao | Chaos (Chaos 1, Chaos 2, Chaos 4, Chaos 6, Perfect Chaos) | Cream the Rabbit* | E-103 Delta | E-104 Epsilon | Froggy | Grandma | Sr. Sabelotodo | Pachacamac | Tikal | Robot de Sonic sin nombrar* | E-100 Alpha | E-105 Zeta | Animales (Ciervo, Conejo, Elefante, Gorila, Canguro, Foca, Golondrina, Koala, León, Loro, Nutria de mar, Pavo real, Pinguino, Topo, Zorrillo)
Adventure Fields
Egg Carrier | Mystic Ruins | Station Square
Action Stages
Emerald Coast | Windy Valley | Casinopolis | Icecap | Sky Chase | Twinkle Park | Speed Highway | Red Mountain | Sky Deck | Lost World | Hot Shelter | Sand Hill | Twinkle Circuit
Aeronave sin nombrar de Icecap | Avión de combate sin nombrar de Sky Deck | Beat | Bladed Spinner | Boa-Boa | Buyoon | Cart Kiki | Cop Speeder | Egg Keeper | Electro Spinner | Fighter Aircraft A | Fighter Aircraft B | Gola | Ice Ball | Kiki | Leon | Pirate | Rhinotank | Spiky Spinner | Sweeper
Chaos 0 | Chaos 2 | Chaos 4 | Chaos 6 | E-100 Alpha | E-101 Beta | E-102 Gamma | E-103 Delta | E-104 Epsilon | E-105 Zeta | Egg Carrier | Egg Hornet | Egg Viper | Egg Walker | Perfect Chaos
Movimientos y técnicas
Personajes jugables
Climb | Dig | Flight Mode | Glide | Hammer Attack | Hammer Jump | Hover | Homing Attack | Homing Missile Launch | Jump Attack | Laser Gun | Light Speed Attack | Light Speed Dash | Lure Attack | Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack | Pick | Propeller Flight | Punch Attack | Rapid Tails Attack | Rayo de luz | Spin Dash | Spin Hammer Attack | Spin Jump | Tails Attack
Arm Punch | Bomb Attack | Bomb Gun Attack | Charge | Double Punch | Earthquake Attack | Electric Arm | Energy Ball Attack | Flame Thrower Attack | Guiding Missiles | Instantaneous Liquefaction | Laser Beam Attack | Homing Tail Slice | Inhale Attack | Marble Attack | Phantom Shadow Move | Punch | Quarter Attack | Scorpion Attack | Shockwave Attack (Chaos 6) | Sonic Boom | Spin Attack | Spinning Spike Attack | Spouting Attack | Squash Roll Attack | Swing Punch
Ancient Light | Crystal Ring | Fighting Gloves | Jet Anklet | Jet Booster | Laser Blaster | Life Belt | Light Speed Shoes | Long Hammer | Lure | Power Rod | Rhythm Badge | Shovel Claw | Warrior Feather
Físicas y obstáculos
Bola de hierro | Botón | Bumper | Bumper Car | Campana Colgante | Campo láser | Cañón | Carámbano | Catapulta de Spring | Cinta Transportadora | Cohete | Dash Panel | Dash Ring | Espejo | Explosion Trap | Flipper | Goal Balloon | Helicóptero | Hint Box | Hint Orb | Jump Panel (placa) | Jump Panel (rampa) | Lata de Tambor | Lit Panel | Manantial | Manivela | Máquina tragamonedas | Monkey Detonation Switch | Orca | Power cube | Satélite | Spring | Teleporter | Tirolina | Trick Jump Panel | Ventilador | Wide spring | Wind Path
Actores de voz
Ryan Drummond (Sonic) | Corey Bringas (Tails) | Michael McGaharn (Knuckles) | Deem Bristow (Eggman) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy) | Jon St. John (Big) | Elara Distler (Tikal, Voz de Tren de Station Square, Menú de Voz por Defecto) | Steve Broadie (Gamma, Pachacamac, Voz de Tren de Mystic Ruins) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kazuki Hayashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Shun Yashiro (Big) | Kaori Asō (Tikal) | Jōji Nakata (Gamma) | Tōru Ōkawa (Pachacamac) | Kaho Kōda (Voz de Tren de Station Square) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Voz de Tren de Mystic Ruins) | Elara Distler (Default Menu Voice) | Tomoko Sasaki (Chao)
Believe In Myself | It Doesn't Matter | Lazy Days (Livin' in Paradise) | My Sweet Passion | Open Your Heart | Unknown From M.E.
777 Slots Pinball | Angel Island | Auto Running | Black Market | Card & Pinball | Chao Stadium | Chao in Space | Chao Machine | Chao Search* | Congelar | Giro de sacacorchos | Debug Mode | Departamento de Policía de Station Square | E-100 Series | Egg Carrier | Egg Carrier 2 | Emerald Radar | Jardín Chao (Jardín de Station Square, Jardín de Mystic Ruins, Jardín del Egg Carrier) | Laboratorio de Tails | Life gauge | Mission Mode | Mystic Ruins | Santuario de la raza de Knuckles | Shuttle loop | Sonic Adventure (juego de LCD) | Station Square | Tornado | Tornado 2 | Transporter Machine
*Exclusivo de Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción (Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Final) | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Shadow the Hedgehog (Super Shadow) | Rouge the Bat | E-123 Omega | Silver the Hedgehog (Super Silver) | Blaze the Cat | Amy Rose
Acordeonista | Adriana | Alan | Alessio | Alfano | Ana | Antonio | Aristo | Berruni | Bishop | Claudia | Damas de Honor | Dante | Dr. Eggman | Duquesa de Soleanna | Duke of Soleanna | Elkan | Frances | Francesca | Galienna | Gina | Guardias Reales de Soleanna | Hatsun | Herman | Iblis | Liza | Lord Regis | Mancini | Mephiles the Dark (forma monstruosa de Mephiles) | Mikhail | Mónica | Nicolo | Paganini | Parr | Pele | Pietro | Pinto | Porta | Priest | Princesa Elise III | Prodi | Pucci | Puccini | Renzo | Alberto Robert | Roberta | Rossi | Sabrina | Sandro | Solaris | Soldado de G.U.N. | Solomon | Sonic Man | Sophia | Ken Williams | Zof
Robots del Dr. Eggman
Egg Armor | Egg Bomber | Egg Buster (Egg Gunner) Egg Cannon | Egg Chaser | Egg Commander | Egg Flyer | Egg Guardian | Egg Gunner | Egg Hunter | Egg Keeper | Egg Lancer | Egg Liner | Egg Rounder | Egg Searcher | Egg Stinger | Egg Sweeper | Egg Walker
Esbirros del Iblis
Gazer | Golem | Iblis Biter | Iblis Taker | Iblis Worm | Shadows | Stalker | Titan | Tricker
Wave Ocean | Dusty Desert | White Acropolis | Crisis City | Flame Core | Radical Train | Tropical Jungle | Kingdom Valley | Aquatic Base | End of the World
Egg Cerberus | Egg Genesis | Mephiles | Egg Wyvern | Shadow | Silver | Sonic | Solaris
Movimientos y técnicas
Arrow of Light | Accelerator Tornado | Attack | Blast Jump | Bomb | Bomb Snipe | Bound Jump | Chaos Attack | Chaos Boost (Chaos Blast, Chaos Lance, Chaos Snap) | Chaos Spear | Climb | Custom Action (Gun Drive, Homing Smash, Mach Speed, Scale, Slow, Thunder Guard, Tornado) | Crouch | Double Jump | Dummy Ring Blitz | Dummy Ring Bomb | Dummy Ring Snipe | Edge Attack | Fire Claw | Fly | Glide | Grab All | Ground Shaker | Hammer Attack | Heart Mine | Hold Smash | Homing Attack | Hover | Invincibility | Jump Dash | Levitate | Light Dash | Lock-On Shot | Omega Launcher | Omega Shot | Psychokinesis | Psycho Shock | Psycho Smash | Punch Attack | Screwdriver | Shield of Light | Sliding Attack | Spear of Light | Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Spin Kick | Spinning Claw | Teleport Dash | Turbo Boost | Wings of Light
Soleanna | Bosqué de Soleanna | Nueva Soleanna
Barril | Botón | Chaos Drive | Contenedor (Caja azul, Caja explosiva, Contenedor de Acero, Contenedor de Madera, Jaula) | Goal Ring | Item Box (Extra Life, Gauge Up, High Speed, Invincible, Rings) | Jump Panel | Light Core | Llave | Mechanical Ring | Manzana | Medalla | Point Marker | Polea | Rainbow Ring | Rings | Silver Sphere | Spring | Snowboard | Vid | Wide spring
Actores de voz
Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) | Pete Capella (Silver the Hedgehog) | Lacey Chabert (Elise) | Mike Pollock (Eggman, Narrador) | Amy Palant | (Tails, Damas de Honor) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy, Damas de Honor) | Bella Hudson (Blaze) | Dan Green (Knuckles, Mephiles, Científicos del Solaris Project) | Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) | Maddie Blaustein (Omega) | David Wills (Duke, Comunicador de G.U.N.)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Kōji Yusa (Shadow) | Daisuke Ono (Silver) | Maaya Sakamoto (Elise) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) Kenji Utsumi (Narrador, Duke) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Hikari Yono (Damas de Honor) | Nao Takamori (Blaze) | Nobutoshi Kanna (Knuckles) | Takayuki Sakazume (Mephiles) | Keiji Okuda (Científicos del Solaris Project, Comunicador de G.U.N.) | Yoshikazu Kozuma (Científicos del Solaris Project) | Rumi Ochiai (Rouge) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Taiten Kusunoki (Omega)
Águila | Action Gauge | Auto Running | Bicicleta | Carro de mina | Calesa | Chao in Space | Chaos Crush | Cilindro | Cinta Transportadora | Cuerda Bungee | Custom Shoes | Día del Desastre | Dummy Ring | Egg train | Esfera | Espejo de Soleanna | Ojo de Solaris | Explosion Trap | Festival del Sol | Glider | Hanging Bell | Havok | Health Gauge | Heart bomb | Hint Ring | Horizontal Bar | Hover Craft | Laser field | Lotus | Orb statue | Orbe morado | Orca | PK mark | Rainbow Gem | Rimlight | Scepter of Darkness | Solaris Project | Spotlight | Super-Speed Stage | Tienda | Tightrope | Tortuga | Wall Jump | Warp Hole | Wind switch
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Créditos
Personajes jugables
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Blaze the Cat (Burning Blaze)
Personajes no-jugables
Tails | Marine | Coconut Crew (Setter, Tabby, Colonel, Kylok, Daikun, Muzy) | Gardon | Norman | Capitán Whisker | Mini & Mum | Johnny | Dr. Eggman | Dr. Eggman Nega
Whale Point | Plant Kingdom | Machine Labyrinth | Coral Cave | Haunted Ship | Blizzard Peaks | Sky Babylon | Pirates' Island | Big Swell | Deep Core | Hidden Islands (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) | Johnny's Race
Barrier Angler | Bomb Ghost | Crystal Head | Dive Bat | Eleki Angler | Enemigo de Pirates' Island | Enemigo de Plant Kingdom | Enemigo de Sky Babylon | Kaizoku Bomb | Kaizoku Glider | Kaizoku Gun | Kaizoku Hogan | Kaizoku Hover Bomb | Kaizoku Skeleton | Kaizoku Snowball | Ptera | Rapid Crab | Shisaku-gata Dump | Shisaku-gata Jet | Shisaku-gata Spanner | Skull Fire | Sky Moon | Triceratank
Ghost Rex | Ghost Pendulum | Ghost Kraken | Ghost Pirate | Ghost Whale | Ghost Condor | Captain Whisker and Johnny | Ghost Titan | Egg Wizard
Movimientos y técnicas
Axel Jump | Axel Tornado | Boost Mode | Burning Fire Boost | Burst Dash | Burst Hover | Deflect | Fire Boost | Grind Step | Hop Jump | Homing Attack | Humming Top | Jump Dash | Jump Step | Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Super Boost | Super Sonic Boost | Trick Action
Físicas y obstáculos
Bola de hierro | Bomba | Carro de mina | Cuerda Bungee | Dash Panel | Dash Rail | Dash Ring | Fountain | Hang Glider | High-speed warp tube | Hongo | Icicle | Jump Panel | Rainbow Ring | Spring | Spring Pole | Vine | Winding Rope
Checkpoint Marker | Chaos Emerald | Item Box (1UP, 5 Ring Bonus, Attract, Barrier, Boost Up, Confusion, High Speed, Invincible, Magnetic Barrier, Maximum Tension Bonus, Random Ring Bonus, Repair, Score Bonus, Slow, Tension Bonus, Tension Bonus (multijugador)) | Ring | Sol Emerald | Switch | Treasure Chest
Agua | Azul | Bronce | Hierro | Negro | Oro | Plata | Verde | Rojo
Motos acuáticas
Wave Cyclone | Ocean Tornado | Aqua Blast | Deep Typhoon | Magma Hurricane | SS Tornado EX | SS Marine | SS Super-Marine
Actores de voz
Jason Griffith (Sonic) | Mike Pollock (Eggman, Eggman Nega) | Amy Palant (Tails) | Bella Hudson (Blaze) | Lonnie Hirsch (Captain Whisker) | Christopher Pellegrini (Johnny)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman, Eggman Nega) | Ryo Hirohashi (Tails) | Nao Takamori (Blaze) | Shinya Fukumatsu (Captain Whisker) | Kota Nemoto (Johnny)
A New Venture
Sonic Rush Adventure Original Soundtrack
Giro de sacacorchos | Combo | Freeze | Health Gauge | Jeweled Scepter | Misiones | Mundo de Blaze | Power of the Stars | Sea Chart | Shuttle loop | Southern Island | Real-Time Interaction | Sonic Rush Adventure Flash | Tension Gauge | Time Attack
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Créditos | Glitches
Personajes jugables
Sonic (Excalibur Sonic) | King Arthur | Blacksmith | Lancelot | Gawain | Percival | Galahad* | Lamorak* | Shadow* | Knuckles* | Blaze* | Amy*
Personajes no-jugables
Caliburn (Excalibur) | Merlina (Dark Queen) | Caballo del King Arthur | Nimue | Merlin | King Uther Pendragon | Lady Igraine | Sir Ector | Townsperson | Troll
Grand Kingdom
Camelot Castle | Shrouded Forest | Knight's Passage | Deep Woods | Dark Hollow
Misty Lake | Molten Mine | The Cauldron
Titanic Plain | Crystal Cave | Great Megalith | Dragon's Lair
Faraway Avalon
Crawling-One | Eyeball-One | Fish-One (Rojo, Azul, Amarillo, Morado, Blanco) | Flapper | Giant-One | Soldier-One (Espada, Lanza, Hacha, Arco)
Mist Dragon | King Arthur | Lancelot | Gawain | Percival | Earth Dragon | Dark Queen
Movimientos y técnicas
Guard | Homing Dash | Jump Dash | Lock-on
Back Step | Crouch | Grind Step | Grinding | Wall Climb | Wall Shuffle | Wall Slide
Soul Surges
Arthur's Soul Surge | Blacksmith's Soul Surge* | Chaos Punishment | Excalibur Sonic's Soul Surge | Flames of Kilekion | Gail Meteor | Galahad's Soul Surge* | Rose Typhoon* | Sonic's Soul Surge
Físicas y obstáculos
Bat | Pozo sin fondo | Breakable Block | Mariposa | Corner Pole | Dash Panel | Explosion Trap | Lanza | Goal Plate | Grind Rail | Horse-Drawn Wagon | Iron ball | Jump Panel | Log | Carro de mina | Hongo | Mystery Circle | Slime | Picos | Spring | Thunder dragon | Wide spring
Apple | Black onyx | Fairy | Goal Ring | Rich Ring | Ring | Ring Container | Treasure Chest | Will 'o Wisps
Steel Longsword | Cursed Longsword | Rusty Longsword | Bronze Longsword | Katana | Cursed Dagger | Rusty Dagger | Bronze Dagger | Steel Dagger | Cursed Rapier | Rusty Rapier | Bronze Rapier | Steel Rapier | Cursed Spear | Rusty Spear | Bronze Spear | Steel Spear | Cursed Axe | Rusty Axe | Bronze Axe | Steel Axe
Steel Gauntlet | Cursed Gauntlet | Rusty Gauntlet | Bronze Gauntlet | Cursed Helmet | Rusty Helmet | Bronze Helmet | Steel Helmet | Samurai Helmet
String of Pearls | Mermaid's Tear | Pendant of Eons | Chain Bracelet | Thorn Anklet | Flower Amulet | Wooden Belt | Bright Red Ribbon | Expensive Broach | Rabbit's Tail | Poison Broach | Stone Broach | Ice Broach | Cure-all Broach
Healing Potion | Healing Draught | Antídoto | Superior Antidote | Paralysis Cure | Paralysis Immunity | Stone Protection | Petrification Immunity | Vial of Calm | Philter of Tranquility | Fiery Quaff | Hot Fiery Quaff | Herb of Toughness | Herb of Strength
Arthur’s Legend 1 | Arthur’s Legend 2 | Arthur’s Legend 3 | Arthur’s Legend 4 | Arthur’s Legend 5 | Tome of Arms | Tome of Armor | Tome of Medicines | Tome of Amulets | Tome of Games | Tome of Jewels | Tome of Minerals | Tome of Plants | Tome of Feasts | Tome of Rings | Encyclopedia Arcana
Yellow Ring | Green Ring | Red Ring | Blue Ring | Aqua Ring | White Ring | Purple Ring | Poison Ring | Doughnut | Onion Ring
Carnation | Violeta | Daffodil | Sweetpea | Lily | Rosa | Larkspur | Gladiolus | Morning Glory | Marigold | Daisy | Narcissus | Herb
Garnet | Amethyst | Aquamarine | Diamante | Esmeralda | Moonstone | Rubí | Peridot | Sapphire | Opal | Topaz | Turquoise
Pawn | Rook | Rey | Queen | Bishop | Caballero | Ace of Spades | Ace of Clubs | Ace of Hearts | Ace of Diamonds | Joker | Medal of Sonic | Medal of Gawain | Medal of Lancelot | Medal of Percival | Dart | Dartboard | Die | Máscara de Big the Cat | Building Block | Fishing Pole | Muñeca
Stone | Lump of Iron | Lump of Bronze | Aluminum Ore | Skipping Stone | Rock Salt | Beautiful Crystal | Ice Crystal | Lava Jewel | Flintstone | Mintstone | Gold Ingot | Quasi-Magic Stone | Mithril | Hardtack | Burnt Bread | Moonrock | Wavestone | Dragon-Eye Stone | Orichalcum
Moist Cookie | Tart | Fresh Milk | Spongy Bread | Aromatic Tea | Chilidog | Herb of Calm | Lollipop | Ham
Objetos Especiales
Flag | Ballista Arrowhead | Raven's Feather | Mouse Tail | Oar | Lantern | Broken Trap | Egg | Cheese | Magical Moth Dust | Plant Thorn | Giant Flower Seed | Troll's Eyelash | Broken Lock | Rabbit Fur | Lizard Tail | Prison Key | Iron Shackle | Highland Mushroom | Silk Clothing | Silk Shoe | Dragon Scale | Dragon Claw | Dragon's Fang | Shovel | Pickaxe | Wheelbarrow | Bat's Fang | Broken Brick | Soft-Boiled Egg | Lithograph | Letter
Clarent | Arondight | Rubious | Morglay | Gastiga | Secace | Altachiara | Durendal | Aduro Cutlass | Aduro Khopesh | Precieuse | Espadon | Ddraig Goch | Galatine | Battleaxe | Labrys | Hauteclaire | Gringolet | Balmung | Sanglamore | Chrysaor | Almace | Caledfwlch | Flaming Kopis | Flamberge | Laevatein | Corrougue | Colada | Ktuga | Brinnig | Solais Rapier | Claiomh Solais | Fragarach | Curtana | Ignis Fleuret | Glorious | Joyeuse
Mastery Star | Map | Skill Scroll | Music Notes | Knight’s Seal | Knight’s Banner | Emblem Component | Painting | Deadly Swordsman | Windblade | Destroyer | Quickblade | Blade without Equal | Despised One | Chicken | Weakling | Coward | Ruffian
Actores de voz
Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow, Lancelot, Lamorak) | Casey Robertson (Caliburn) | Melissa Hutchison (Merlina) | Gavin Hammon (Arthur) | Amy Palant (Blacksmith) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy, Nimue) | Dan Green (Gawain, Knuckles) | Bella Hudson (Percival, Blaze) | Pete Capella (Galahad)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Hiroaki Hirata (Caliburn) | Mamiko Noto (Merlina) | Hidekatsu Shibata (Arthur) | Ryo Hirohashi (Blacksmith) | Taeko Kawata (Amy, Nimue) | Kouji Yusa (Shadow, Lancelot) | Nobutoshi Canna (Gawain, Knuckles) | Nao Takamori (Percival, Blaze) | Daisuke Ono (Galahad) | Daisuke Kishio (Lamorak)
Knight of the Wind | With Me | Fight the Knight | Through the Fire | Live Life
Tales of Knighthood: Sonic and the Black Knight Original Soundtrax | Face to Faith: Sonic and the Black Knight Vocal Trax
Acts of Chivalry | Barrier stone | Battle Mode | Cavalier Style | Chaos Blast | Chaos Control | Chaos Spear | Diehard Challenge | Dragon | Drifting | Followers | Freeze | Hit | King Arthur y los Caballeros de la Mesa redonda | Knight Style | Knight's Honor Bonus | Knights of the Round Table | Knights of the Underworld | Legacy Mission | Paladin Style | Real-Time Interaction | Reflecting pool | Sacred sword | Scabbard of Excalibur | Skill | Sonic and the Black Knight (manga) | Soul Gauge | Soul Gauge energy | Title | Underworld | World of Camelot
*Exclusivo del Battle Mode.
Artículos principales (Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Episodio I, Episodio II, Episodio Metal) | Galerías (Episodio I, Episodio II, Episodio Metal) | Elementos beta (Episodio II) | Créditos (Episodio I, Episodio II) | Glitches (Episodio II)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Metal Sonic
Dr. Eggman | Animales (Flicky, Pocky, Pecky, Cucky, Picky)
Episodio I/Metal
Asteron | Batbot | Bubbles | Burrobot | Buzzer | Chopper | Crawl | Motobug | Newtron | Jaws | Orbinaut | Shellcracker | Slicer
Episodio II
Balkiry | Bubbles | Chop Chop | Clucker | Fullboar | Flamer | Mantis | Sandworm | Scarabesque | Snowy | Spikes | Steelion | Turtloids | Zoomer
Episodio I/Metal
Splash Hill Zone | Casino Street Zone | Lost Labyrinth Zone | Mad Gear Zone | E.G.G. Station Zone | Special Stages
Episodio II
Sylvania Castle Zone | White Park Zone | Oil Desert Zone | Sky Fortress Zone | Death Egg mk.II Zone | Special Stages
Episodio I
Egg Mobile-H | Catcher Eggman | Jefe de Lost Labyrinth Zone | Flying Eggman | Death Egg Robot
Episodio II
Egg Serpentleaf | Metal Sonic | Egg Scrap Mech | Metal Carrier | Metal Sonic and Eggmobile | Metal Sonic | Egg Heart
Movimientos y técnicas
Copter Combo | Propeller Flying | Homing Attack | Rolling Combo | Spin Attack | Spin Dash | Spin Jump | Submarine Combo | Tornado Boost
! | Botón | Bumper | Burbujas de Aire | Capsule | Booster | Chaos Emerald | Flipper | Giant Ring | Item Box (Combination Dash, Extra Life, Invincible, Power Sneakers, Shield, Special Combination, Super Ring) | Picos | Red Star Ring | Ring | Spring | Star Post | Signpost
Cañón | Carro de mina | Cinta Transportadora | Cohete de Tails | Color Block | Death Egg mk.II | Death Egg Robot | Giro de sacacorchos | Flip Platform | Flipper | Máquina tragamonedas | Lanza | Little Planet | Level Select | Prensa | Ring Shooter | Rueda Elevadora de Plataformas | Original Soundtrack (Episodio I, Episodio II, Episodio I y II) | Strange Relief | Shuttle loop | Stardust Speedway | Tesoro de Lost Labyrinth Zone | Time Attack | Tirolina | Tornado | Tótem | Ventilador | Winding Tunnel
Artículo principal | Galería | Transcripción | Elementos beta | Créditos | Glitches
Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Sonic) | Miles "Tails" Prower | Dr. Eggman | Orbot | Cubot | Knuckles the Echidna | Amy Rose | Mortíferos Seis (Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Maestro Zik, Zeena, Zor) | Yacker* | Animales (Flicky, Picky, Chirps, Pecky, Ricky, Rocky) | Omochao* | NiGHTS^ | Yoshi^
Windy Hill | Desert Ruins | Tropical Coast | Frozen Factory | Silent Forest | Sky Road | Lava Mountain | Hidden World* | Special Stage** | Nightmare Zone^ | Yoshi's Island Zone^ | The Legend of Zelda Zone^
Antilon | Anton* | Balkiry | Ball Hog* | Bat Brain | Blaster* | Bomb* | Boo* | Burrobot* | Buzz Bomber | Caterkiller | Chopper* | Clucker | Cluckoid* | Coconuts* | Crabmeat* | Crawl | Crawlton | Dragonfly* | E-06 Bladed Spinner** | Egg Pawn | Gohla** | Grabber | Jaws** | Madmole* | Moto Bug | Mushmeanie* | Nebula* | Newtron** | Octus* | Orbinaut* (Uni-Uni*, Unidus*) | Pata-Bata* | Penguinator | Sandworm | Slicer | Snale Blaster* | Spider* | Spiker* | Spikes* | Turtloid*
Cactus | Sandworm | Sheep* | Surprise Crocodiles*
Zazz | Zomom | Maestro Zik | Zeena | Zor | Zavok | Mortíferos Seis | Eggrobo
Movimientos y técnicas
Somersault Kick** | Wall Climb** | Wall Jump** | Wall Run | Vault Dash*
Bounce Attack** | Charged Dash** | Flying Kick* | Focused Homing Attack | Grinding | Homing Attack | Run | Sky Dive | Spin Dash | Spin Jump
Blanco* | Cian | Amarillo | Índigo | Carmesí* | Magenta* | Verde* | Negro*^ | Rojo** | Marfil** | Gris**
Poderes de Color
Cyan Laser | Yellow Drill | Indigo Asteroid | Crimson Eagle* | Magenta Rhythm* | Green Hover* | Black Bomb*^ | Red Burst** | Ivory Lightning** | Gray Quake**
RC Vehicles
Helicopter RC Vehicle | Fighter Jet RC Vehicle | Stealth Jet RC Vehicle | Hovercraft RC Vehicle | UFO RC Vehicle | Balloon RC Vehicle | Omochao RC Vehicle
Green Material** | Yellow Material** | Blue Material** | White Material** | Iron Material** | Black Material** | Red Material** | Bronze Material** | Silver Material** | Gold Material**
Actores de voz
Roger Craig Smith (Sonic) | Mike Pollock (Eggman) | Kate Higgins (Tails) | Travis Willingham (Knuckles, Zavok) | Cindy Robinson (Amy) | Kirk Thornton (Orbot, Maestro Zik) | Wally Wingert (Cubot) | Liam O'Brien (Zazz) | Patrick Seitz (Zomom) | Stephanie Sheh (Zeena) | Sam Riegel (Zor)
Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) | Chikao Ōtsuka (Eggman) | Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) | Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) | Taeko Kawata (Amy) | Mitsuo Iwata (Orbot) | Wataru Takagi (Cubot) | Jōji Nakata (Zavok) | Yutaka Aoyama (Zazz) | Yumi Tōma (Zeena) | Mugihito (Maestro Zik) | Chafūrin (Zomom) | Yūki Tai (Zor)
Jonatán López (Sonic) | Francesc Belda (Eggman) | Graciela Molina (Tails) | Sergio Mesa (Knuckles) | Meritxell Ribera (Amy, Zeena) | Albert Vilcan (Orbot) | Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu (Cubot) | Miguel Ángel Jenner (Zavok) | Rafael Parra (Zazz) | Rafael Turia (Maestro Zik) | Santi Lorenz (Zomom) | Ivan Labanda (Zor)
Aqua Shield* | Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Halloween Comic Fest 2013 | Asteroid Ring | Auto Running* | Bola de nieve | Bonus Points | Campana* | Carro de mina | Chaos Emerald | Cinta Transportadora* | Caracola Cacofónica | Cañón* | Casino Tokens* | Countdown Numbers* | Dash Panel | Esfera** | Extractor | Flame Shield* | Flipper | Globo* | Freezing Machine** | Havok | Héxagon | Laboratorio de Tails** | Máquina tragamonedas* | Miles Electric | Moon Mech | Pinball Shooter* | Prisma | Thunder Shield* | Time Attack* | Tótem | Truffle Cannon* | Virtual Hedgehog* | Volante** | Windmill* | Wisp Away* | Without Boundaries: Sonic Lost World Original Soundtrack
*Exclusivo de la versión de Wii U. **Exclusivo de la versión de 3DS. ^Contenido descargable.