With Me ist ein Lied, das von Jun Senoue und Jonny Gioeli, einem Mitglied der Band Crush 40, komponiert und von Emma Gelotte und Tinna Karlsdotter von All Ends gesungen wird. Es wird beim letzten Bosskampf mit Excalibur Sonic gegen Dark Queen im Hintergrund vom Spiel Sonic und der schwarze Ritter gespielt.
All Ends[]
- You know every world will have its end (have its end)
- And I'm here to prove it all to you
- I am who you don't think I am (think I am)
- All wrapped up in my evil plan
- I can taste the day (taste the day)
- Savor night (savor night)
- Spells beyond you
- As I watch you crawl
- Do you dare to fight (dare to fight)
- Evil's might (evil's might)
- I'll be the last one standing
- In a flash of light
- My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosity
- You think (you think) that you have power over me
- In this life (this life), there's no room for you and me
- So, turn away or face this day with me (face the day with me)
- With me (face the day with me)
- You know, every world will have its test (have its test)
- Don't blame for what I have become
- You know every world will come to end (come to end)
- And I'll create your final rest
- I can taste the day (taste the day)
- Savor night (savor night)
- Scream your dreams
- As you dare to fight, dare to fight
- My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosity
- You think (you think) that you have power over me
- In this life (this life), there's no room for you and me
- So, turn away or face this day with me (face the day with me)
- With me (face the day with me)
- With me (face the day with me)
- With me..
- I can taste the day (taste the day)
- Savor night (savor night)
- Scream your dreams
- As you dare to fight, dare to fight
- My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosity
- You think (you think) that you have power over me
- In this life (this life) there's no room for you and me
- So, turn away or face this day with me (face the day with me)
- With me...
Crush 40[]
- You know (You know) every world will have its end (have its end)
- And I'm here (I'm here) to prove it all to you
- I am (I am) who you don't think I am (think I am)
- All wrapped up in my evil plan
- I can taste the day (taste the day)
- Savor night (savor night)
- Spells beyond you
- As I watch you crawl
- Do you dare to fight (dare to fight)
- Evil's might (evil's might)
- I'll be the last one standing
- In a flash of light
- My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosity
- You think (you think) that you have power over me
- In this life (this life), there's no room for you and me
- So, turn away or face this day with me (face the day with me)
- With me... (face the day with me)
- You know (You know), every world will have its test (have its test)
- Don't blame (Don't blame) for what I have become
- You know (You know) every world will come to end (come to end)
- And I'll (And I'll) create your final rest
- I can taste the day (taste the day)
- Savor night (savor night)
- Scream your dreams
- As you dare to fight, dare to fight
- My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosity
- You think (you think) that you have power over me
- In this life (this life), there's no room for you and me
- So, turn away or face this day with me (face the day with me)
- With me (Face the day with me)
- With me (f-f-f-face the day with me)
- With me-e-e-e-e...
- I can taste the day (taste the day)
- Savor night (savor night)
- Scream your dreams
- As you dare to fight, dare to fight
- My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosity
- You think (you think) that you have power over me
- In this life (this life), there's no room for you and me
- So, turn away or face this day with me-me-me-me-me (face the day with me)
- With me-e-e...
Verbindungen zum Spiel[]
- I am who you don't think I am - Merlina täuscht zunächst ihre Identität, genauso wie King Arthur, vor und entpuppt sich als eine Dunkle Königin.
- All wrapped up in my evil plan - Sonic half ihr, ohne, dass er es wusste, zu ihrer Machtzunahme, indem er King Arthur besiegte.
- Spells beyond you - Merlina als eine Magierin.
- Do you dare to fight, evil's might und As you dare to fight - Sonic versucht Merlina zu besiegen.
- Don't blame for what I have become - Merlina wurde die dunkle Königin.
Andere Versionen[]
Charaktere | Sonic the Hedgehog (Excalibur Sonic) | Caliburn (Excalibur) | Merlina the Wizard (Dark Queen) | König Artus | König Artus Pferd | Schmied | Nimue | Sir Lancelot | Sir Gawain | Sir Galahad | Sir Lamorak | Shadow the Hedgehog* | Knuckles the Echidna* | Blaze the Cat* | Amy Rose* | Merlin | Städter
*Nur im Kampf-Modus | |
Zonen | Verschleierter See | Burg Camelot | Finsterer Wald | Ebene der Titanen | Kristallhöhle | Loderndes Bergwerk | Fernes Avalon | Ritterpassage | Nebeliger Forst | Riesiger Megalith | Der Zauberkessel | Drachenhöhle | Dunkle Leere | |
Bosse | Nebeldrache | König Artus | Sir Lancelot | Sir Gawain | Sir Percival | Earth Dragon | Dark Queen | |
Gegner | Crawling-One | Eyeball-One | Fish-One | Flapper | Giant-One | Soldier-One (Schwert, Speer, Axt, Armbrust) | |
Fähigkeiten | Chaos Blast | Chaos Control | Chaos Punishment | Chaos Spear | Climb | Flames of Kilekion | Gail Meteor | Grinding | Guard | Jump Dash | Seelenoffensive | Verfolgungssprint | Wall Shuffle | Wandgleiter | |
Schatzkammer | Waffe | Bronzene Axt | Bronzener Dolch | Bronzener Rapier | Bronzener Speer | Bronzenes Schwert | Katana | Rostige Axt | Rostiger Dolch | Rostiger Rapier | Rostiger Speer | Rostiges Schwert | Stählerne Axt | Stählerner Dolch | Stählerner Rapier | Stählerner Speer | Stählernes Schwert | Verfluchte Axt | Verfluchter Dolch | Verfluchter Rapier | Verfluchter Speer | Verfluchtes Schwert |
Rüstung | Bronzener Handschuh | Bronzener Helm | Rostiger Handschuh | Rostiger Helm | Samurai Helm | Stählerner Handschuh | Stählerner Helm | Verfluchter Handschuh | Verfluchter Helm | |
Kette | Allheilbrosche | Blumenamulett | Dornenfußring | Eisbrosche | Giftbrosche | Hellrote Schleife | Hölzener Gürtel | Kaninchenschwanz | Kettenarmband | Meermaidträne | Pendant d. Äonen | Perlenkette | Steinbrosche | Teure Brosche | |
Medizin | Beruhigungstrunk | Feuertrunk | Gegengift | Heilgebräu | Heiltrank | Heißer Feuertrunk | Immun. G. Lähmung | Immun. G. Verstein. | Kraut d. Zähigkeit | Kraut der Stärke | Lähmungsheilung | Phiole der Ruhe | Schutz v. Verstein. | Starkes Gegengift | |
Buch | Artussage 1 | Artussage 2 | Artussage 3 | Artussage 4 | Artussage 5 | Buch d. Festmahle | Buch der Amulette | Buch der Juwelen | Buch der Medizin | Buch der Pflanzen | Buch der Ringe | Buch der Rüstung | Buch der Spiele | Buch der Steine | Buch der Waffen | Okkultes Lexikon | |
Ring | Blauer Ring | Doughnut | Gelber Ring | Giftring | Grüner Ring | Roter Ring | Violetter Ring | Wasserblauer Ring | Weißer Ring | Zwiebelring | |
Pflanze | Edelwicke | Gänseblümchen | Gladiolen | Kraut | Lilie | Narzisse | Nelke | Osterglocke | Prunkwinde | Ringelblume | Rittersporn | Rose | Veilchen | |
Edelstein | Amethyst | Aquamarin | Diamant | Granat | Mondgestein | Opal | Peridot | Rubin | Saphir | Smaragd | Topas | Türkis | |
Spielzeug | Angelrute | Backstein | Bauer | Big-the-cat-Maske | Dartpfeil | Dartscheibe | Gawain-Medaille | Herz-Ass | Joker | Karo-Ass | König | Königin | Kreuz-Ass | Lancelot-Medaille | Läufer | Percival-Medaille | Pik-Ass | Ritter | Sonic-Medaille | Stoffpuppe | Turm | Würfel | |
Mineral | Aluminiumerz | Bronzeklumpen | Drachenaugestein | Eisenklumpen | Eiskristall | Feuerstein | Goldbarren | Hüpfstein | Lava Juwel | Minzstein | Mithril | Mondgestein | Oreichalkos | Scheinmagiestein | Schiffszwieback | Schöner Kristall | Stein | Steinsalz | Verbranntes Brot | Wellenstein | |
Essen | Aromatischer Tee | Chili-Hotdog | Feuchter Keks | Frische Milch | Kraut der Ruhe | Luftiges Brot | Lutscher | Schinken | Torte | |
Schwerter | Aduro Cutlass | Aduro Khopesh | Almace | Altachiara | Arondight | Balmung | Battleaxe | Brinnig | Caledfwlch | Chrysaor | Claiomh Solais | Clarent | Colada | Corrougue | Curtana | Ddraig Goch | Deathcalibur | Durendal | Espadon | Flamberge | Flaming Kopis | Fragarach | Galatine | Gastiga | Glorious | Gringolet | Hauteclaire | Ignis Fleuret | Joyeuse | Ktuga | Labrys | Laevatein | Morglay | Precieuse | Rubious | Sanglamore | Secace | Solais Rapier | |
Spezial | Ballistenpfeilspitze | Brief | Dorn | Drachenkralle | Drachenschuppe | Ei | Eidechsenschwanz | Eisenkette | Fahne | Fledermauszahn | Gefängnisschlüssel | Hochlandpilz | Kaninchenfell | Kaputte Falle | Kaputter Backstein | Kaputtes Schloss | Käse | Krähenfeder | Laterne | Lithograph | Mäuseschwanz | Mottenstaub | Pickel | Riesenblumensaat | Ruder | Schaufel | Schubkarre | Seidenkleidung | Seidenschuh | Trollwimper | Weichgekochtes Ei | |
Anderes | Feigling | Fertigkeitselement | Gemälde | Grobian | Hasenfuß | Karte | Klinge ohnegleichen | Meisterstern | Musiknoten | Rittersiegel | Ritterwappen | Schnelle Klinge | Schurke | Schwächling | Tödliche Schwertkraft | Wappenteil | Windesklinge | Zerstörer | |
Englische Synchronsprecher | Jason Griffith (Sonic, Sir Lancelot, Shadow, Sir Lamorak) | Casey Robertson (Caliburn) | Melissa Hutchison (Merlina the Wizard) | Gavin Hammon (König Artus) | Amy Palant (Schmied) | Lisa Ortiz (Nimue, Amy) | Dan Green (Sir Gawain, Knuckles) | Erica Schroeder (Sir Percival, Blaze) | Pete Capella (Sir Galahad) | |
Songs | Knight of the Wind | Fight the Knight | Through the Fire | With Me | Live Life | |
Anderes | Abgrund | Barriere Stein | Chili Dog | Dash Panel | Donnerdrache | Face to Faith: Sonic and the Black Knight Vocal Trax | Fee | Goal Plate | Goal Ring | Grind Rail | Irrlichter | Metall-Stacheln | Mushroom | Rang | Rich Ring | Ritter der Tafelrunde | Ritter der Unterwelt | Schatzkammer | Schatzkiste | Scheide Excaliburs | Schwarzer Onyx | Sonic Tweet | Spring | Stachelkugel | Troll |