True Colors: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog ist der Nachfolger von True Blue: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog und beinhaltet ebenfalls einige der beliebtesten Sonic Songs sowie einige Bonus Tracks in Form von Remixen.
- Un-Gravitify (Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity) Cashell
- Dreams of an Absolution (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006) Lee Brotherton
- Throw it all Away (Sonic Adventure 2) Everett Bradley
- E.G.G.M.A.N (Sonic Adventure 2) Paul Shortino
- Waking up (Shadow the Hedgehog) Julien-K
- This Machine (Sonic Heroes) Julien-K
- Fly in the Freedom (Sonic Adventure 2) Tabitha Fair
- My Sweet Passion (Sonic Adventure) Nikki Gregoroff
- Believe in Myself (Sonic Adventure 2 Version) Kaz Silver
- Unknown from M.E. (Sonic Adventure 2 Version) Marlon Saunders & Hunnid-P
- Theme of E-102 Gamma (Sonic Adventure)
- Cosmic Eternity-Believe in Yourself (Sonic the Hedgehog CD JAP/EU version)
- Look A like (Sonic the Hedgehog der Film) Short edition by Mitsuhiro Tada
Bonus Trax[]
14. Sonic 3 MegaD (Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Sounds) by Naofumi Hataya
15. Lazy day's ~livin in paradise~, Original Demo (Fertige Version in Sonic Adventure) by Ted Poley
16. All Hail Shadow, Crush 40 & Magna-fi Hybrid mix. (Original aus Shadow the Hedgehog und Sonic 2006)
17. Dreams of an Absolution, Starry night Remix (Original aus Sonic the Hedgehog 2006) by Lee Brotherton
18. Open Your Heart, K-Klub Remix (Original aus Sonic Adventure) Crush 40
- Wie beim vorgänger True Blue ist das finale Lied ein Remix von Open your Heart.
- Nach dem ersten Song (Un-Gravitify) muss man 10 Sekunden warten bis das nächste Lied abgespielt wird.