Seven Rings in Hand ist der Hauptsong des Spieles Sonic und die Geheimen Ringe, der von Namano Mashurio komponiert und von Steve Conte im Original gesungen wurde und während der letzten Schlacht mit Alf Layla wa-Layla im Hintergrund gespielt wird.
Crush 40 und Bentley Jones produziert eine weitere Version des Songs, die als Bonus-Tracks gefunden werden können auf "True Blue: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog" (C40) und als Soundtrack in Sonic und der Schwarze Ritter (Face to Faith) (BJ).
- Make beliefs reborn
- Myths in mind rethought
- Question all that's known
- Legends blurred and torn
- Make beliefs reborn (Make beliefs reborn)
- Myths in mind rethought (Myths in mind rethought)
- Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
- Legends blurred and torn (Legends blurred and torn) (Blurred and torn)
- No such thing as fate for those who speed
- A path out of time instead of just livin' it
- So many things erased before they begin
- Hopes un-dream instead of what could have been
- Fortune fades like words in the sand
- Just like that it's nothin' it all just seems
- Nothin it all just seems
- Fortune shines with seven in hand
- Back to fact make real of all that seems
- Make real of all that seems
- Seven Rings in Hand speed through nights with feet in sand
- Seven Rings in Hand wonders all under command
- Seven Rings in Hand wild with just one single hand
- Seven Rings in Hand arrowed hearts catch fire now
- Make beliefs reborn (Make beliefs reborn)
- Myths in mind rethought (Myths in mind rethought)
- Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
- Legends blurred and torn
- No such thing as an arrow through who dreams
- Hopes may burden but forever last to give in
- So many things need a push or pull to begin
- Un-free to move unless another hand gets in
- Be it all the same, it's never the same
- Just like that it's nothin' it all just means
- Nothin' it all just means
- If all as is then it's never as is
- Back to fact make real of all that seems
- Make real of all that seems
- Seven Rings in Hand speed through nights with feet in sand
- Seven Rings in Hand wonders all under command
- Seven Rings in Hand wild with just one single hand
- Seven Rings in Hand arrowed hearts catch fire now
- Memories that dance (Memories that dance)
- Fairy tales in trance (Fairy tales in trance)
- Know what to believe (Know what to believe)
- Nothin's up to chance (Nothin's up to chance)
- Make beliefs reborn (Make beliefs reborn)
- Myths in mind rethought (Myths in mind rethought)
- Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
- Legends blurred and torn
- Seven Rings in Hand speed through nights with feet in sand
- Seven Rings in Hand wonders all under command
- Seven Rings in Hand wild with just one single hand
- Seven Rings in Hand arrowed hearts catch fire now
- Seven Rings in Hand...
- Nights with feet in sand...
- Seven Rings in Hand...
- Seven Rings in Hand...
- Make beliefs reborn (Make beliefs reborn)
- Myths in mind rethought (Myths in mind rethought)
- Question all that's known (Question all that's known)
- Legends blurred and torn
- Seven seas in hand
- Speed of sound through sands
- All our hopes and plans
- In one single hand!
Verbindungen zum Spiel[]
- Legends blurred and torn - Durch Erazor Djin verschinden die Legenden von 1001 Nacht.
- Seven Rings in Hand speed through nights with feet in sand - Sonic versucht vor Erazor Djin die sieben Ringe zu bekommen.
- Seven Rings in Hand wild with just one single hand - Sonic sammelt die sieben Ringe, damit das Buch von 1001 Nacht bestehen bleiben kann.
- Seven Seas in Hand - Sonic kommt in einem Kapitel zu den Meeren, wo er auch auf Sinbad the Sailor trifft.
- Un-free to move unless another hand gets in - Sonic ist der einzige, der in dieser Welt die Ringe nutzen kann.
- Speed of sound through Sands - Sonics Geschwindigkeit wird angedeutet.
- Seven Rings in hand wonders all under command - Die sieben Ringe, die von Sonic gesucht werden, können die Welt von Shara retten.
- All our hopes and plans in one single hand - Sonic ist der Einzige, der es schaffen kann, Erazor Djin zu besiegen.
Unterschiede der Songs[]
- Zwischen Make beliefs reborn (Make beliefs reborn) und Legends blurred and torn (Legends blurred and torn) (Blurred and torn) wird dies von Crush 40 nicht wiederholt.
- In der Crush 40 Version hallen die Stimmen nie, sondern das letzte Wort wird immer in die Länge gezogen.
Andere Versionen[]
Charaktere | Sonic the Hedgehog (Darkspine Sonic) | Shara | Erazor Djinn (Alf Layla wa-Layla) | King Shahyar | Ali Baba | Sinbad the Sailor | King Solomon | Kri Ma Djinn | Pri Ma Djinn | Shadow the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Cream the Rabbit | Cheese | Silver the Hedgehog | Blaze the Cat | Omochao | Big the Cat | |
Zonen | Lost Prologue | Sand Oasis | Dinosaur Jungle | Evil Foundry | Levitated Ruin | Pirate Storm | Skeleton Dome | Night Palace | |
Bosse | Sand Scorpion | Captain Bemoth | Ifrit Golem | Erazor Djinn | Alf Layla wa-Layla | |
Gegner | Blue Ma Djinn | Gargoyle Djinn | Golem Djinn | Green Ma Djinn | Rafflesia Djinn | Red Ma Djinn | Skeleton Djinn | Slime Djinn | |
Fähigkeiten und Techniken | Back Step | Charge Jump | Darkness Slash | Darkness Spark | Grind-Schritt | Grinding | Homing Attack | Speed Break | Spirit Blast | Time Break | Wall Shuffle | |
Englische Synchronsprecher | Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) | Bella Hudson (Shahra, Blaze) | Peter Cormican (Erazor Djinn) | Mike Pollock (King Shahryar) | Amy Palant (Ali Baba) | Dan Green (Sinbad) | Lisa Ortiz (Amy) | Rebecca Honig (Cream, Omochao) | Pete Capella (Silver) | |
Songs | Blue On The Run | How It Started | It Has Come to This | Let the Speed Mend It | No Way Through | Poison Spear | Seven Rings in Hand | The Palace That Was Found | The White of Sky | The Wicked Wild | Unawakening Float | Worth A Chance | |
Anderes | Air Launcher | Cage | Dash Panel | Djinn | Fire Soul | Flame of Judgment | Hourglass | Jump Carpet | Magic Lamp | Medal | Pearl | Rich Pearl | Rich Ring | Ring | Sonic Tweet | Soul Gauge | Weltenring (Blauer Ring, Gelber Ring, Grüner Ring, Roter Ring, Violetter Ring, Wasserblauer Ring, Weißer Ring) |