Der Power-Core (パワーコア Pawākoa ) ist ein Item aus Sonic Heroes . Es kann sowohl in Item Box als auch durch Besiegen von Gegner gesammelt werden. Sowohl Speed- , als auch Fly- und Power-Charaktere können maximal drei Power-Core sammeln, danach haben sie keinen Effekt.
Der Power-Core hat einen weiteren Auftritt in Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen London 2012 in der Disziplin "Fechten (Traum)".
Arten [ ]
Es existieren drei Typen von Power-Cores, die Level-Ups ermöglichen:
Die jeweilige Farbe erhöht das Level des jeweilgen Typs um 1.
Wirkung [ ]
Es bewirkt ein Level Up der Charaktere, sodass die Attacken und Angriffe stärker werden. Folgende Attacken können verstärkt werden:
Speed Typ :
Fly Typ :
Power Typ :
Fire Combination
Erhöhter Schaden bei Angriffen
Spielbare Charaktere
Team Sonic
Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna
Team Rose
Amy Rose | Cream the Rabbit | Big the Cat | Cheese
Team Dark
Shadow the Hedgehog | Rouge the Bat | E-123 Omega
Team Chaotix
Espio the Chameleon | Charmy Bee | Vector the Crocodile
Andere Charaktere
Neo Metal Sonic (Metal Sonic | Eggmankopie ) | Dr. Eggman | Chocola | Froggy | Shadow Android | Omochao
Super Sonic | Super Tails | Super Knuckles
Sea Gate | Seaside Hill | Ocean Palace | Grand Metropolis | Power Plant | Casino Park | BINGO Highway | Rail Canyon | Bullet Station | Frog Forest | Lost Jungle | Hang Castle | Mystic Mansion | Egg Fleet | Final Fortress | Special Stage
Egg Hawk | Team Sonic vs. Team Rose / Team Dark vs. Team Chaotix | Robot Carnival | Egg Albatross | Team Sonic vs. Team Dark / Team Rose vs. Team Chaotix | Robot Storm | Egg Emperor | Metal Madness | Metal Overlord
Cameron / Gold Cameron | Egg Bishop | Egg Hammer / Heavy Egg Hammer | Egg Knight | Egg Magician | Egg Pawn / Egg Pawn (Casino Version) | E-2000 /E-2000R | Falco | Flapper | Klagen / Gold Klagen | Rhinoliner | Pumpkin Head-Ghost
Speed Typ
Homing Attack | Kick | Light Speed Dash | Propeller Hammer | Rocket Accel | Shuriken | Spin | Swinging Hammer Attack | Tornado Jump (Black Tornado , Blue Tornado , Leaf Swirl , Tornado Hammer ) | Triangle Jump
Power Typ
Auto Homing | Body Press | Bubblegum Descent | Fire Combination | Fire Dunk | Fire Launcher | Fireball Jump | Forward Power Attack | Hammer Down | Jump Fire Knock | Jump Fireball | Remote Power Attack (Fireball , Fire Knock , Spinning Back Punch ) | Triangle Dive | Umbrella Descent | Wide Power Attack (Big Fishing , Omega Arm , Vector Breath , Volcanic Dunk )
Fly Typ
Ascending Flight | Cheese Attack | Dummy Ring Bomb | Sting Attack | Thunder Shoot | Quick Ascent
Team Blast
Sonic Overdrive | Chaos Inferno | Flower Festival | Chaotix Recital | Super Sonic Power
Grind Step | Grinding | Jump Dash | Light Speed Attack | Spin Jump
Englische Synchronsprecher
Ryan Drummond (Sonic, Metal Sonic) | William Corkery (Tails) | Scott Dreier (Knuckles) | David Humphrey (Shadow) | Lani Minella (Rouge, Omochao) | Jon St. John (Omega, Big) | Jennifer Douillard (Amy) | Sarah Wulfeck (Cream) | Bill Corkery (Espio) | Marc Biagi (Vector) | Emily Corkery (Charmy) | Deem Bristow (Dr. Eggman)
Sonic Heroes | We Can | This Machine | Follow Me | Team Chaotix | What I'm Made of...
Abgrund | Bobsled | Bombe | Bull Train | Cage | Cannon | Chaos Emeralds | Check-Point | Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax | Container | Dash Panel | Dash Rail | Dash Ring | Egg Fleet | Emblem | Fan | Formationssignal | Formation Change Gate | Giant Frog | Goal Ring | Grind Rail | Hint | Item Box (Fly Charge , High-Speed , Invincibility , Power-Core , Shield , Superring , Team Blast Ring , 1-UP ) | Mushroom | Orb Schalter | Pole | Power Gong | Rainbow Ring | Rank | Ring | Rivalenkampf | Sonic Tweet | Special Stage Key | Spring | Stachelkugel | Switch | Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax | Wide Spring